All by my self

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Tom paced his room.

She'd left.

His fame had compromised their relationship, their safety, their secrecy and she'd walked out - toed the 'company line", chosen to go rushing back to the palace like a spoiled princess.

That's what had happened right?

He sighed, running his hands through his hair.

She should have been doing that.

The original plan had been for her to leave at 6am tomorrow morning.

But she'd be halfway to Kensington Palace by now.

She should be in his bed. Or him in hers. – Sneaking up the stairs, snuggled under that quilt, his mouth on hers, his hands caressing her body, his cock...................

The sigh was loud and it was long.

He'd rung Matt as soon as they'd got home. That was what set her off. His mother had been making tea and Tory had been hugging her and reassuring her that they were all okay and he'd left to ring his publicist.

He'd cared about his profile first – according to her.

But really wasn't he just in damage control?

After all she didn't have to do her own dirty work, Martin had called into headquarters. The palace knew what was going on before Matt did.

But the pace of the pictures getting out to the public and then the interest they had sparked, that's what had shocked them all - it was incredible. It had never happened before, not like this. Sure both of them had fast-growing profiles. But really he wasn't the biggest actor in the UK and she wasn't the best-known and loved royal. And yet together.......... Even with a royal baby on its way or maybe because of it? Did people have royal fever?

There it was – Sunday night even – and they were big news. Pictures of them holding hands pacing down the streets of the sleepy seaside village were making their way across social media at alarming speed. She was hidden behind her security team but still, you could tell that this was Princess Victoria with actor Tom Hiddleston. They'd been violated, their security, their anonymity - their home, their privacy - shattered, just as they were finally taking steps to something that they both wanted.

They both wanted it, didn't they?

She should be in his arms.

He should be in her bed.

They weren't going to do that in his mother's home.

But they should have.

They should have stayed home here and made love.

Being caught by his mother was a far more palatable experience thanbeing outed to the world – well that's how he felt now anyway. Maybe if it hadhappened...........

He wondered if there weren't paps and journalists on their way here now – packs of them, swarms. Surely him dating the fourth-in-line to the throne wasn't that interesting? That was what Matt had asked and the palace – that was why it was decided that there would be "nothing to see here". And Tory was on the first "stage coach" out of Dry Gulch.

Tom had seen it as copping out, as giving in.

"If you loved me you'd stay, you'd see this out!"

He didn't mean it. He couldn't believe he'd said it now.

It had stung her and she had bitten back and now she was gone back to London. Driven off into the sunset.

She had looked stoic – stiff upper-lipped and all that, as she had gotten into the car. No emotion.

The Lost Princess (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction) Wattpad FeaturedWhere stories live. Discover now