Christening Presence

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Tory checked herself in the mirror again, for the 12th time.

"You look fine!" Harry said sticking his head around the door find out where his sister was.

"But you won't soon - if we don't go now William will kill us both!" he said.

Tory looked back at her reflection again, making sure there were no runs in her stockings and her skirt was straight.

She was nervous.

There was no reason to be nervous and yet.........

This was meant to be a relaxed family occasion and yet it was still a "royal family" event – to be photographed and remembered for posterity. Sure she, Harry, James and Pippa, had very little to do, they were just there to support Wills and Kate at the christening. But she hated these events.

She took another look in the mirror – she'd wanted to wear a lighter blue but Granny was wearing that and it was an unwritten (or maybe it was written?) rule that you didn't wear the same colour as Gran did. Camilla, Pippa and Kate were wearing cream – which might have been nice but she'd opted to match Caroline Middleton and so was wearing a fitted navy coat dress from Alexander McQueen with a fitted pencil skirt – short but not too short.

She took Harry's arm and they left for the journey to the church.

It was late October and her little nephew George almost three months and growing fast, she checked in on him every couple of weeks now – though it was becoming more of an excuse to chat to Kate and visit for a cuddle.

Work and Royal engagements took up a lot of Tory's time still – which was just as well as Anton had returned to Paris for a week or two and then would be back in Africa for several months. Even Harry was leaving her next month to go to the South Pole on a fundraising expedition – she envied him this and had tried to wrangle her way on to the team as the group doctor but she'd left her run too late and that position was already taken.

The worst part was that William and Kate would be moving out of the part of the palace that they had been sharing – out of their "cottage" and up to Apartment 1A in the main structure – the former home of her great Aunt Margaret was being restored. Sure it was only a short walk but it wasn't the same. Mon was wrapped up in her pregnancy and Em was working on a mini-series and had just moved in with Hugh so she was busy playing house.

And Tom.

She wasn't a priority in his life anymore but then he wasn't in hers.

He was busy, he was still promoting his movie but the play was his life. He was also still seeing Margot (she had updates from Em – if she asked) but not often. His work came first and Tory knew better than anyone this, Shakespeare in the West End was a dream come true – the pinnacle. And she longed to see it – she'd tried to convince Granny that it should be one of the plays they saw in the West End together.

They'd taken to sneaking out to stage plays – it was their thing and something she enjoyed immensely. No fuss, guerrilla operations where they snuck in after the lights went down and took their seats quietly, just a woman and her Gran on a night out at the theatre. It was a really freeing feeling and she looked forward to it. But Gran thought the Donmar was too small and intimate and she liked musicals these days more than great Shakespearian tragedies. It surprised her a little that she wouldn't come with her – but maybe she was still miffed that she'd lost her bet with her grandfather. Diana was coming up for the previews – when Tory was out of the country and she'd been terrified she'd miss it. If she went on her own then it might bring unwanted press and though Harry would be back, he was balking at Shakespeare too.

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