Something So Strong

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CHRISTMAS shoppers and festivities filled the views outside the windows of the car, silence filled the inside.

There had been a Christmas miracle and they were alone – well as alone as you could get with a security detail in tow but when you live with something like that all your life, they fade back – they have to.

The quiet was eerie and yet what could you say – they were both still on a high from the performance, adrenalin rushing through their veins – or maybe that was just from finally being so close. Neither wanted to say anything and spoil the moment but they didn't want to let it end either.

So they were stuck.

In the quiet.

Not even Marc and Paul were speaking.

Oh god someone say something, they all thought.

"So it must take a while to put the body makeup on every night?" Tory asked lamely.

Tom smiled in relief.

"Yes, yes it does but it's worth it I think?" Lame was in the air.

"Oh yes definitely – it's very effective and highlights your pectoral and abdominals – which adds to the affect – makes you look like a powerful ancient general," she said a little too fast.

The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly and his eyes twinkled just a little.

"Ms Tory you weren't checking out my body instead of listening to the words were you?" he said in an amused manner.

She coloured just a little and tried not to meet his eyes.

"It was hard to miss – Josie did rather make the best use she could," Tory said with a nervous giggle, suddenly very interested in the Christmas world outside the window.

"But it was all part of the package – the words were amazing – the lines – the way you presented them, you were breath-taking, but I always knew you would be," she sighed turning back around to face him, for once looking him in the eye woman to man, not looking down like a scared teenager.

Tom studied her face, the look she was giving him, not the look of adoration she had for him when he practiced as a teen – nor even the sisterly joy when she saw him in Ivanov and Othello (he could admitted now he had been jealous at the way she'd made gooey eyes at Ken and Ewan like a love-struck teen) but this now, this was something more. He didn't really want to acknowledge what that might be but it was hard to miss.

"So you liked my package?" he whispered moving in closer. They were sat close enough anyway – her in the middle, him on the left, the empty space on the right where Em had been.

She shivered involuntarily at the nearness of him, she could smell that distinctly Tom fragrance and that, coupled with what she'd just witnessed, was distorting reality and making the usually staid, slightly conservative doctor turn into something else entirely.

"I always like your package, but it's never been so visible before," her voice was husky and low, she didn't know where it had come from. And then a kiss, gentle on her lips – she knew exactly where that was from and where it was leading. And the little alarms that go off in your brain – the ones that say there are other people now, this can't happen, failed to go off. Lust was driving her brain this time and his.

The alarms stayed quiet when the car pulled up and he told her he had her Christmas present from his mother in the house and offered to bring it down or maybe she could come in?

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