Highland Fling

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TOM stretched his long legs in front of him in the front of the four-wheeled drive and tried to get comfortable. Beside him Tory was concentrating hard on the road ahead.

They were finally heading north. He'd been home a day and a half and it was nice to see the outdoors, even it was just flashing by outside the windows of the car. Harry and Em were dosing on and off in the back, talking a bit but not saying anything of any great importance.. Harry had driven them from London very very very early this morning but as they approached the Scottish border later in the day he'd swapped with his sister who seemed more than happy to finish the eight hour drive.

And while her eyes were on the road, Tom only had eyes for her.

She was looking surprisingly chipper despite the fact she hadn't slept much in the past day or so. She was also looking ravishing - or ravished if you looked close enough at her. There was a bite mark on her collarbone and if she didn't have make-up on you would be able to see the stubble-burn on her cheeks and neck. She had it elsewhere but no one was about to see that - well Tom had plans to check it out intimately later but since he put it there in the first place - that was only fitting.

He'd arrived back yesterday morning at around 9am, Marc and Matt had picked him up and dropped him at his place and the plan had been for him to go home and catch a few hours sleep and then he and Em would sneak in to Kensington cottage and they would all leave early in the morning, with a small security detail driving behind. The twins had wanted to be in total control of this trip - he admired them for that.

Well that had been the plan - mainly thought out by Em and Harry - but it wasn't one he'd really wanted to sign off on and neither had Tory apparently.

He'd just wanted to see her, bury himself between her thighs and tell her how much he'd missed her. He wanted some good old fashioned analogue sex - he was sick of going digital. He wanted to talk about his trip and their lives and catch up. Mostly he just wanted to be with her, hold her, breath her in. Work came first - he understood that. She needed to clear the books and then she would be all his.

He arrived at his home, dropped off by the boys, and dumped his stuff in the hall. Heading straight for his room to flop down for a sleep before re-packing, he didn't spend a lot of time in his own bed but he missed. It was big, the mattress was firm and the pillows were perfect. And he needed to sleep. But sleep didn't come -instead he did - a few times courtesy of the woman who had been half asleep in his favourite blue T shirt and little else on his bed.

Tom had never found himself naked so fast and while their first coupling was hard and fast - it didn't matter - only coming home, really coming home mattered.

God he'd missed that woman.

More than he'd care to admit and from the welcome and their chats in the afternoon and evening, he figured she'd missed him just as much. They couldn't keep their hands off each other - had to touch and keep touching. Like the other person would disappear to where ever it was they had been hiding, if they didn't have skin to skin contact.

They'd spent the next six hours in bed sleeping and not sleeping, until 3pm when they'd got up to allow Tom time to shower (with a little help) and prepare for the trip and Tory time to get home and do her own packing, left until today in favour of clearing the work decks and then being with him. Marcus, who was just two days from heading to Hawaii with Matt on Tom's holiday, picked her up and she was gone, allowing time to think and to miss and to repack. Normally he'd hate to be turning around quite so quickly - well no, he was use to it now.

Em arrived with her suitcase in tow an hour later. He'd hoped that their father would drop her off so they could have a talk. He hadn't told him - what was there to tell? He didn't know. But there was something and he wanted his father to hear it from him, in person. He knew from his reaction over the years when Em's best friend had been mentioned, that his father wasn't a big fan of the royal family. He liked the queen but while tolerated Tory and her brothers for Em's sake - he usually lumped them with other royals as a "waste of space". He'd wanted time to talk to him man to man about Tory about how he felt about her. He knew he was in love with someone from a family his father didn't entirely approve of. He was seeing her? Was he seeing her? They were a couple? He wasn't seeing anyone else but............could you call what they had a relationship yet?

The Lost Princess (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction) Wattpad Featuredजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें