Brotherly Love

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Harry was spread out on the lounge in front of the television in the Kensington Palace apartment he shared with his sister on the rare occasion that they were both in town.

He looked up to see his sister she walking out of her bedroom, dressed to the nines.

"Wow, are you going out tonight?" he asked giving his sister the once over. She didn't look like the Vicky he knew. Stylish shoes with enough heel to put her up to his height and a black cocktail dress which fitted tightly to her body and cut into a sweetheart neckline that showed off enough of her breasts to be enticing (if she was a regular girl) but not enough to be slutty, before floating down to a chiffon skirt which showed off impossibly long legs.

Her hair was manicured to within an inch of its life and her makeup was flawless.

His twin sister, in short, looked stunning which wasn't a regular occurrence on a Thursday night in autumn. Well not for his sister.

"I have a Unicef function tonight," she answered, grabbing her clutch and phone.

"Is that what they're calling it these days?" he smirked knowingly.

She blushed and he knew he had hit the mark. He wondered if it was an intimate dinner for two or an actual fundraising function.

"You know I could come if you like?" he said teasing her.

"Wouldn't take me long to pull the old tux out of cupboard."

She shook her head at her twin in an amused manner – knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Oh I wished you'd told me earlier you wanted to go I could have got you a ticket but it's been sold out for weeks brother dear," she smarmed.

He laughed.

"So are you bringing your Frenchman to Sunday dinner at fathers this weekend?"

They usually weren't so formal when it was just the two of them – calling him dad but Harry was making a point.

"Anton flies out of the country on Saturday and anyway we don't have that kind of relationship," she sighed coming around and sinking carefully into the chair next to him.

"You mean you're not game to take him because you know dad won't approve of the age gap," he countered.

"Like he could talk," she scoffed.

"He and mother weren't exactly close in ages."

"And look how well that worked out for us all," Harry answered with a sigh.

But she was ready for this answer.

"Age wasn't the problem and you know it," she said sighing back.

"He was in love with someone else."

Harry sat up and looked his sister in the eye – he was ready for this argument himself.

"And you're not?"

"Don't be ridiculous," she said shaking her head.

"So how IS Emily's big brother?"

It was a low blow and Harry knew it. He'd been sighted with a number of different women in recent months and it had been all over the tabloids and from what he heard there was now a "girlfriend" on the scene.

"Tom's a friend, that's all," she said quietly and he knew he'd struck a nerve again and so he pushed on.

"He looked more than that at Cannes and Wimbledon," he said matter-of-factly and she blushed.

"I mistook friendship for something more and let a childhood crush get in the way, it won't happen again."

She looked down at her hands wanting to avoid any look of pity on her brother's face, but there wasn't any, just a look of exasperation. Not that Tory saw it.

"And anyway," she finished as the knock came on the door to signal that it was time to leave.

"He's still seeing that banker I think," she said standing up.

There was another knock on the door.

"Coming!" she yelled over her shoulder as she straightened her dress and prepared to leave.

"Don't wait up!" she said cheekily, though Harry could tell it was all front.

"Have a good night," he called. And she was gone, leaving him to wonder if he shouldn't ring Emily and get her to help him knock some sense into their sibling's heads – Tory had done it for him often enough it was her turn. He knew he had Em's number somewhere.

Tory slumped against the wall outside their door for a minute, aware of Marcus and Paul waiting for her down the hall.

Banter with Harry was always fun, and a part of life, but she didn't like it when it forced her to re-evaluate her life.

She wasn't using Anton was she?

Well not really. She was sure and unlike Tom's "girlfriend" Anton knew she had had feelings for Tom – had seen them together. They'd talked about him – here and there but not too much.

Anton was, more than anything, great company and so smart and committed to saving the world one person and one country at a time. And being seen on her arm would lift his profile and give him a bit more of a platform to get his ideals across. She was using her "celebrity" for good right?

And yes there was no denying that he was handsome. He was tall – which was necessary in an escort when you were six foot without heels. His dark hair was flecked distinguishedly with a little grey - not much – but just enough to give him an air of George Clooney. His eyes were light blue and often carried the weight of the world. But when he smiled and was talking about Africa – they sparkled and he suddenly looked years younger.

She was enjoying spending time with him, talking about ways to help and save the world. She made him laugh – he needed to laugh. Where was it going?

She didn't know.

They'd kissed – at the end of their second date. If you could call a meeting of UNICEF delegates in the UK – a date. They'd caught an early movie and a late dinner – he hadn't tried to put his arm around her at the movies. She'd been disappointed. And they hadn't held hands across the table at dinner in a quiet out-of-the-way wine bar. But then as they were dropping him back to his London flat he lent in and kissed her. It was gentle and sweet and everything a first kiss should be – well a first kiss in the back of a cab.

It wasn't a balcony in Cannes.

But it was nice.

It was more than nice.

Her toes hadn't curled but they had thought about it.

She'd felt guilty though. She had no reason to. She knew Tom had gone further than kissing with Margot. Annoyingly beautiful and yet anonymous Margot. Smart and funny Margot. They'd met at one of Hugh's parties. She was perfect. She suddenly didn't see the appeal in perfection.

"Your Highness?"

Tory looked up to find Marcus motioning that it was time to leave and she nodded quietly.

Time to put her game face on.

Harry stood at the window watching his sister leave.

She didn't look like a woman in a brand new relationship.

He knew she liked Anton.

He wasn't the one.

He knew what that was like – to have the right girl slip through his fingers because of his position and duties.

It wasn't going to happen to Tory.

He dialled the number.

"Emily? We need to do something about Tom and Tory!"


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