The Crepe Escape

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Emily pushed open the door and she and Tom involuntarily sucked in deep breaths.

There was a delicious aroma permeating ever inch of the apartment. It was intense mix of coffee and warming pastries filling the air and instantly taking them back to summer mornings in Suffolk getting up to a light but extravagant breakfast that Diana and Tory had put together for them to celebrate the end of the school term and that beautiful freedom that came with being a teen on holidays. Coming down the stairs and hearing them happily chatting together as they cut up the fruit, lightly heated the croissants and made coffee (a beverage not usually prevalent in the Hiddleston household) was just as much fun as eating the creations. It was a traditional first day of the holiday occurrence and the sight that greeted them in the Paris flat took them straight back there in that lovely warm food induced time-machine that only the right smell or taste can suddenly activate.

There was no Diana this time but there was Tory cutting up fruit – captain of the ship for a change instead of Diana's willing first mate. She wasn't alone though; by her side was her new second Hugh buttering croissants and keeping a weather eye on the coffee machine.

Tory loved to cook; she was Diana's best student. Tom had always supposed it was because of her independent streak, her need not to be seen as the pretty but helpless Princess. He realised it was probably her first sign of rebellion against the system she'd been born into. Mind you over the years as he'd joined her and his mother in the kitchen more and more (frightened he might actually starve to death once he was out on his own) he'd learned that it was more than defiance now. Tory came alive in a kitchen, she was a creative, artistic soul, cooking and creating were passions and she was frightfully good at it –really really bloody good. Her food was always on the mouth-watering side of delicious. He wondered, as he watched her, if chef was another career that she'd been unable to explore thanks to the accident of birth that made her, "her royal highness" and not Josephine Blogs.

She was engrossed and oblivious to the outside world, as she often was in a well-stocked and well appointed kitchen. Her attention was taken bossing Hugh around and creating what looked like a beautiful brunch. It was closing in on 11am now, hardly breakfast - although given their nocturnal holiday activities and Em's tardiness they were probably not long out of bed. And yet she was so focussed and alive.

"Mmmm something smells nice," Emily hummed as she stepped out of the main foyer area and made her way into the open kitchen living room.

Tory and Hugh looked up simultaneously. They were wearing matching blue butcher-striped aprons and similar surprised smiles obviously too engrossed with getting the meal right to notice that the people they were trying to impress were already there.

"Ooooh I didn't know you were handy in the kitchen," Em purred walking past Tory to plant a kiss on her boyfriend's lips.

"Tory's teaching me," he said hugging her to him and kissing her again.

Tom was still stood near the entrance, his back pack over one shoulder, taking in the scene. Under the apron, Tory seemed to have a tight t shirt on which showed off her curves and due to the heating, might even be in shorts if he was lucky – if only he could see her legs behind the kitchen bench.

"I'm so glad you're here, " she said pointing her tongs at the now canoodling couple next to her.

"See what I have to put up with and the others aren't any better – it's pretty full on when they're all up and at it. I need someone to save me from the endless schmaltz, I'm living in a Nicholas Sparks novel before everything goes pear shaped," she laughed. It was that lyrical laugh of hers, light and lilting and yet............ he'd always liked it and now coupled with the sights and aromas, it was downright intoxicating.

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