Only Lovers Left Awake

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THE music playing in the club was soft and sexy, the woman in his arms was much the same.

The evening had been a blur until this moment on the dance floor. The movies were screening back-to-back and both drew a lot of interest. Tory and Tom were on opposite sides of the theatre which was probably a good thing, particularly when he came on screen shirtless and decked in leather pants. She may have taken a very deep breath and she may have been teased by Ben good-naturedly.

But while the movies and after party had moved at lightning speed with neither able to really say much more than they loved each other's movies, things had slowed down now.

Now at the end of the schmoozing there was time for dancing and deep breaths. There was time for Tom to find Tory finally in his arms again. Not that they risked too much contact this WAS a movie town during it's busiest week of the year and every entertainment journalist and photographer worth their salt was here – and then some.

"Remind me to thank your sister-in-law for picking out this dress," he drawled quietly in her ear spreading his hands out a little more on her deliciously bare back. It tickled and she giggled slightly at the sensation.

"Remind me to thank Jim for those tight leather trousers, that bare-chest and that slow deep growly voice or was that down to Tilda?" she asked just as quietly and in a voice that was almost as low, smoky and sexy as his had been and enough to make Tom want to leave right now with Tory over his shoulder.

But it wasn't going to happen and they both knew it.

She had to catch the red-eye back home in the morning and he was only just behind her with a quick trip back to the US again to do some reshoots and finish off the film he'd been working on.

But at least they had a few minutes now just to be, just to finally enjoy being in the same country at the same time even if they had to be more discreet than either of them wanted to.

"Can I cut in?" came another deep voice cutting through both their thoughts. Tom turned to see Ben at his side. He was reluctant to give Tory up but they'd been dancing together for a couple of songs in a row now, anymore and people would start to put two and two together and end up with something close to five.

"Be my guest but watch out she only likes bare-chested vampires apparently!" he laughed, allowing Ben to take her hand.

"Hey I can do bare-chested intellectual types!" Ben countered before whisking Tory back on to the dance floor.

"I thought I'd better come and rescue you from Hiddles before he monopolises too much of your time," he said loudly before adding in a quieter voice that Tilda had heard some female journos in the toilets asking who the girl with Tom Hiddleston was and if they were an item.

Tory thanked him, they'd got carried away she supposed and the last thing either of them needed was gossiping from miffed female journalists with designs on Tom.

"So you're stuck with me for a few dances now and then we thought John and Jim could escort you; actually Director Ray was drawing up a list over there – those documentary boys are good at lists," he chuckled.

"Oh yes because I want to be on this dance floor all night – what about Tom?" she pouted playfully.

"Darling Tom would want to lead and well that's just not on. I'm the leading man around here."

Tory laughed and let him spin her round the room. Once it was clear that romance was off the table, and one look at Tom and Tory together had told him that, Ben had quickly settled into a comfortable friendship with the princess. He'd even thanked her for making the trip "a lot more fun than he'd expected".

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