Anyone for Tennis

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Anyone for Tennis
IT had been a week and a half since Suffolk – a week and half since the world found out.

Mind you they didn't find out much.

Between the palace and Matt, the whole thing had been handled rather well in the end – Tory was visiting family friends, Tom had been home to see his mother – Tom had played the English gentleman and helped her out, there had been some mention of the connection with Em. Of course all this had been unofficial – there had been no official word from the Palace or Tom's people but both organisations were very good at discerning information out into the community these days. They'd had to be.

Of course behind the scenes there had been lectures on both sides. For the first time in history Tory had been hauled in front of her grandmother twice in less than a month. She'd taken the full blame for the incident, shielding Martin especially. The Queen had expected nothing less though. She knew the bond. She knew she should discourage it and yet particularly now Charles was married again, she allowed it. Turned a blind-eye. The girl needed a father and he was a father in need of a daughter.

Of course he was reprimanded and given time off but it was nice this time of year and Queen Elizabeth hoped he'd take a little time out to go fishing – somewhere nice – Suffolk was nice this time of year right? His son was finished uni wasn't he? Maybe he'd like a fishing trip too? She was a match-making old softy and Tory knew it. Not that she'd like the world to know that, she was, after all the reigning monarch not some dating agency but still.

The up-shot for Tory though had been more royal engagements, less free time - the baby was due in two weeks, maybe a little sooner. And it was all hands to the pump. There was no time to get into any more trouble, no time to pursue romantic interests. No time.

Between running case histories at home and supporting Mon and the practice that way, keeping a weather-eye on Kate and opening anything and everything that moved (or didn't) all over the country. Tory didn't have time to scratch herself.

Tom was auditioning and doing a little filming and preparing for his big press tour and for his play later in the year. Scratching wasn't in his realm of possibilities either.

He'd stayed two more days with Diana to let things die down and so had Phil – he wasn't Tory of course but Diana and Tom had found him surprisingly good company. He'd done a tour of duty with Harry before switching from the army to the royal security detail as it turned out and so they were regaled with stories that you usually wouldn't hear. Mind you, Diana got the impression the young man had earned this position though if he was a war hero, he had played it down and humility was a quality she admired. Tom could feel his mother adopting another family member. This became even more obvious when he had come home from a run to find his mother teaching the young security officer how to cook.

And luckily for Tom, Diana and Phil the hordes of media never eventuated – the Chinese whispers campaign seemed to have been enough to put them off. Sure there had been one or two paps but the locals had closed ranks around the Hiddlestons. Diana's family had been there a few generations – and they protected their own.

Even so Tom had to keep a low profile and so he and Phil had done a little maintaince work around the old home before they'd been called back to London for their respective jobs. Not that either of them were that handy with a hammer, well Phil was pretty handy at replacing door handles and things and Tom proved rather adept as handyman's assistance. Dickie just stayed out of their way – he was a smart dog like that.

When they finally left Tom had felt a little guilty – causing all this disruption to Diana's life and then running out again. However she seemed unconcerned in fact she'd smiled enigmatically and said she had "more visitors coming to stay next week" and would be fine though she wouldn't be drawn on it and refused to divulge any more information. And so it was Tory who solved the mystery for him leaving him wondering why his mum didn't want him to know it was Martin. Did she fancy him? Was she sparing his feelings? The divorce had been 20 years ago and he was a big boy now. Neither parent had married again though – not like Tory's dad.

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