34) Unexpected Situation

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Claire twisted and turned on her sheets. She was having a wonderful dream. The sexy time Claire spent with Saito was enough to awaken strong desires. If she doesn't get back to Saito, she'll go insane.

She woke up and sighed. Her panties were soaked once again. Sitting up, she hit the mattress in frustration. She threw the blanket to the side and sat at the edge of the bed. Her feet hit the cold marble floors; it's a bit chilly than usual. How odd! Why is it cold?

She quickly tip-toed to the bathroom. Once inside, she used the toilet and cleaned herself up. As she was peeing, she felt this intense pain in her lower abdomen. She doubles over, placing her hands beneath her belly.

She felt a trickle come out of her. She wiped using a piece of cloth and looked at the content. Blood? She can't have menstrual she remembers that. She sat there bleeding out, the pain slowly subsiding. Once she had stopped bleeding, she cleaned up and put a folded-up cloth to prevent any stains.  She stood and winced; there was no pain, just a throbbing.

She went back to bed and lay in a fetal position. She cried as the pain came back. What is happening to her?

Claire lay in bed wide awake; she couldn't sleep. The pain kept coming and going. Eventually, she filled her head with thoughts: it'll be Christmas, a holiday Satio celebrates. Saito's world is in chaos, and not everyone will celebrate.

She needed some fresh air; she'd been sweating from the pain. Standing, she slowly made her way out to the balcony. The fresh air felt good against her skin.

She looks up at the galaxy sky. She frowned. She could see her breath. That's not a good sign. Mount Olympus is freezing. A snowflake landed on her cheek. Snow here is different; it is whiter than on earth.

'It's a beautiful night,' Aire spoke. 'But it is odd that it's colder than it's supposed to be. Without the gods or goddesses, the earth is falling apart, Mount Olympus along with it.'

Claire hasn't heard from Aire in a minute. She's been recovering in the spiritual realm. "Aire, what's wrong with me? The pain and bleeding, it's awful."

'Your womb is adjusting,' Aire said.

"For what?" Claire rubs her belly. "There it is again, the pinching and stabbing pain."

Aire chuckled. 'Your body is adjusting to carry Saito's baby.'

Her eyes widen. "Aire, are we pregnant?"

'I believe so,' Aire said. 'The bleeding is because your womb is stretching; I think your body knows it's going to be a big baby.

Claire smiled. "'More than ever, I must get back to Saito. This war must end so that our children can live in a peaceful world. As peaceful as it can get, of course." She smiled. "How is Saito?"

'Saito is healing,' Aire said. 'Senna has been helping him heal with soups and herbal teas. He doesn't like herbal teas.' Senna, how could Claire think Senna was Saito's lover? Now, she knows it was all part of the plan

Claire should be happy that Saito is healing, but this news of being pregnant is risky for Saito to know. "Don't tell him about our baby, not yet."

'Agree,' Aire said. 'Not even Sai, but Sai will know for sure.'

"Hey," Claire licked her lips. "It seems when I unlocked my memories, I unlocked the truth."

'Truth?' Aire frowned.

"I read that archangels see evil," Claire said. "No matter what disguises or spells they use to hide themselves, the archangels see through it. And I can, too, Lunic. What do everyone see when they look at Lunic?"

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