22) Family Tree

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It's been a week since Claire disappeared. He isn't sure how she's doing. Xavier and his brother can't return home; the portals are—blocked. Even going to a different realm isn't possible.

"Saito, punching the wall won't get you anywhere," Senna said. She shouldn't be here. She's supposed to be in bed resting.

He looked at her; her baby slept soundly against her chest. She had used one of those wraps to keep him close. He's huddled inside, sleeping.

"I'm sorry," he said. He sat on the chair and stared at the desk. "I'm worried about Claire. I can't feel her. Sai can't get in contact with Aire."

Senna grabbed his band. "Come on, pouting all day isn't going to help Claire. We need answers. Xavier and Skyler dropped another bomb on us; his mother has been tormenting Duke. She keeps coming back, and only Duke can see her. And Claire."

He stood.

Senna opened the door, and it teleported them to the castle to the war room. Luther was there with Xavier, Sam, and Erick. Papers were scattered all over the round table.

His parents came out of another door with boxes and boxes of files. "Son, come, we are looking for Scott MaKing," Anita smiled. "It could help us. Lilly and Dante think they know where Zero is. His part of this too, right Skyler?"

"Did I  miss something?" Saito looks at Skyler. He didn't know Skyler was here.

Skyler groaned.

"His Demitri's older brother!!" Luna and Demitri came out of the side door. She drops her backpack on the floor and slams some documents down. "DNA tests on Claire and Skyler are done!! You won't believe it!" She squealed. "Demitri, say hello to your big brother Skyler!!"

"I am not calling big brother," Demitri said.

Saito sat down as Skyler told him about his recovery memories. And about Zeus' first daughter. It seems Skyler is Zeus' grandchild. And about the demon Zero.

"Okay," Saito rubs his head. "What does the DNA say?"

"Demitri and Skyler are brothers," Luther said. "And they seem to have another sibling, a little two-year-old sister. Zero is a horny demon. It's like his having kids every few years. But Skyler and this two-year-old are in a 98% match."

Skyler frowned. "Huh?"

"Same mother and father," Luther said. "Your mother is alive."

Skyler glared. Saito understands his anger. Why didn't she come looking for him?

"Don't be angry," Saito said. "She must've had a good reason to hide. If she's the first daughter between Zeus and Mother Nature, she's in danger."

Skyler sighed.

"And Claire?"

Luther picked up the three-sheet document. "She is indeed Scott MaKing's daughter." He read through it. "But you two aren't related at all."


"I found it!" Anita set the book down. "The first family tree."

Luther opened the book and used his magic to create a sort of—hologram. He took the written names and made a perfect family tree. Easy to understand.

"Oh?" Senna smiled. "Scott MaKing adopted a son. He named the boy Scott Jr. MaKing. I wonder why he did that. Was it to confuse people or what? The MaKing's last name continued for six generations before the sixth only had a daughter. No boys. She married her cousin, who had the last name Allister. To avoid any future drama, he renamed himself Bobby McAllister."

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