13) Trespassers?

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Watching Luna harm herself made her jump off her seat. Its—horrible. Is that what Skyler sees? She didn't think it was that bad.

She will stop. Seeing the blood gushing out of Luna's arm made her sick. Luna had gone berserk for some reason. She was calm, and as Savannah was halfway through, Luna started to lash out. Luna broke free of her restraints and went demonic. She used her claws to scratch her arms. She ripped off chunks of skin and muscle. Claire could see bone.

It took Luther and Taylor to hold her down; Taylor had to snap off her claws. It was a bloody mess. Dante held her legs.

There was a snap when Luther held her right arm. Her arm now looks weird.

Luna slowly calmed down; whatever serenity she was experiencing was probably because of Angel, her wolf.

Now that Luna was calm, Savannah resumed the separation of the souls. It was a delicate process. Claire could see the souls; it was a mess of tangled souls. It looks like a web. Like string. There was a third; Claire assumed that it was the wolf

But slowly, both souls became untangled. It was amazing. The last bits of the souls were untangled, and both souls separated. Savannah guided Lunic's soul to her body that lay beside Luna's.

Lunic's soul looked tainted. Is it because she's been inside Luna for too long?

Savannah drew some markings on Lunic's body and took out a needle with silver thread. "I'll have to sew the soul; she's resisting. Maybe Lunic doesn't want to remember."

It was strange watching a soul get stitched, with this silver thread, to the boy. It's beautiful.

After the ritual ended—Luna and Lunic were taken to separate bedrooms. Savannah healed Luna. Lunic will be unconscious for a while. Claire was hoping to speak to her now. But she will have to wait.

"That was intense," Xavier stretched. "It felt like days, but it's only even seven hours. No wonder I'm so stiff."

Claire sat on the couch.

"Lunic was resisting," Savannah sighed. "It's why it took so long and was painful."

Senna sat on the rocking chair. She rubbed her belly and sighed. "My poor daughter, she was in so much pain. I don't want to see her like that ever again."

They spend a little more time at the castle before going back. When they arrived, Claire felt a little angry. A girl was hugging Saito and clinging to him. That girl, it's the one that Sapphire was growling at.

Xavier ran over and dragged the girl; he threw her on the ground and pinned her with his new sword. That was fast.

Saito growled. "What are you doing?! Let her go!"

Claire didn't understand why Saito was defending this girl; can't he smell it? The rot and decay. The smell of death.

"It's her," Xavier's wings expanded. "It's the girl we spoke of; the angel possesses her."

Saito frowned. "Lucy?"

Lucy sniffle. "Saito, I don't know what's happening. Please help me. I'm scared; you promise my grandpa you'll protect me."

Claire hugged Saito and cupped his cheek. She smiled and stared into his eyes. There it was. "She's been trying to control you. I see it." She kissed him and engulfed him with her holy light.

Saito let out a low breath. 'Thanks,' that was Sai. 'I couldn't snap him out of that weird trance. It was freaky.'

Claire stepped back. "Saito? Are you feeling better?"

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