8) Babysitting

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"You want us to babysit them?"

"Yes," Denny smiled. "Jack and I are going to a wedding; we can't take Leon. He is too small and has been shifting at random. We don't want him causing problems at the wedding. We'll be back tomorrow afternoon, hopefully."

Saito turns to Demitri. "And you?"

"It's the weekend; I'm going to see Luna," Demitri smiled. "Taylor is taking me."

"I'm going to deal with some paperwork," Taylor said. "Sarah can't watch Sapphire; she's having a girl's day out with some Rose clan members. She deserves it."

Saito looks at Skyler.

"I'm going with them," Skyler said. "I am going to speak to Luther. Hopefully, he can help me find out who I am. I can't waste this opportunity."

Demitri grinned. "It'll be fine, you and Claire got this."

Claire blushed.

"Take it as a learning experience," Denny said. "I'm sure your kids will be more troublesome."

Saito sighed. "Fine."

He looks in the playpen. Sapphire and Leon were playing with some blocks. He has a bad feeling it won't be an easy task.

Three hours later, he and Claire were left alone with two toddlers. Right now, they were taking a nap. So he and Claire had a moment to review the kid's schedules. Denny and Taylor left a cheat sheet that will be useful in dealing with two toddlers.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Claire closed the folder. "Sapphire seems easy to take care of unless she teleports away. Then we'll be having a problem."

Saito groaned. "Don't jinx it; I'd rather not deal with a missing Sapphire."

She smiled.

He and Claire stay in the living room watching TV. The kids slept in the nursery room.

"Claire," Saito pulled her onto his lap. "Once we return to my clan, I'm claiming you." He kissed her lips. "So you better prepare yourself."

"Can't we wait?" She asked.

He groaned and forced her to straddle him. "No, we are not waiting. Don't make me take you here." He gripped her ass. She squeaks.

"It's scary," she wiggled on his lap. "I'm a virgin."

"Don't worry, I'll guide you," he has to admit, he already had sex. It was with humans. They were all random hook-ups, a one-night stand. "Also, stop moving."

She smiled. "Why?" She kept wiggling.

He gripped her hips and grounded her onto his crotch. She froze up.


"That's why," he licked her neck. "I want you."

He kissed her, their tongues dancing. He cupped her breasts; she wasn't wearing a bra. He pinched her nipples through the shirt. She gasped and grinded.

He lifts her shirt and captures a taut nipple into his mouth. He flicked his tongue back and forth over the hard nipple. She grinds harder. He kept suckling her nipples and gripping her ass.

"Saito," she moans his name.

He growled. Claire's arousal Saito wants to bathe in it. She smells good. So good. Delicious.

She yelped. Saito bit her a little too hard. Smiling, he slid her shorts down. She shook her head.

"Shh," he set her shorts on the coffee table and moved her panties to the side. She's wet. He felt it through her panties.

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