26) War Begins

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It finally began before the attack happened. Saito, with Luther's and the Great Ones, took the fake ones. They were all bogus.

He gave the fake Great Alpha a good smacking. They were all locked up awaiting trial. It'll have to be after the war ends. It's strange. The humans are clueless as to what's happening.

The only things the humans are getting are strange phenomena. They believe the end of the world is happening. Everything is so out of balance. They need to hurry and set things right before the apocalypse happens.

After that, the angels attack. But it was a bit difficult since these clans are stronger. They fought and won. The angels would go back defeated. But then more came; this time, they lost, and the angels put a collar on the alpha's and beta's.

A total of six of the strongest clans lost the battle or knelt to that bastard. Saito knows they did it out of fear or to avoid bloodshed. Saito respects it; it's best to avoid bloodshed. Saito knows Duke can burn down an entire clan. Saito will set those clans free.

The few clans still holding up have joined forces with him—even his enemies.

As of now, plans are discreetly being—made. Right now, the angels are going hard on hybrids. They are trying to eliminate them. They are even going harder on those with demon blood. So that means they'll come for Luna and Sapphire. Any Taylor, even though he's not a hybrid. It's why Demitri and Dale are with them at Luther's, just in case.

Luther finally told them what he said to the angels a while ago. He simply showed them a weapon that could kill them. He told them if they wanted to die. And the angels didn't want to die and left.

The divine weapon is one that Zeus created. Lucifer gave it to Luther as a welcome gift. And now Luther has given it to Xavier. Xavier is going to use it to kill Duke.

It must be tough on Xavier. He has to kill his father. That is something Saito doesn't wish on anyone. Killing his father to save the world, it's rough.

"Hey," Lunic sat next to him on the couch. She had stayed behind.

"Hey," Saito yawned. He hasn't been sleeping well. It's endless sleepless nights: too many nightmares and negative thoughts.

"You need to rest for a few hours," she said. She pulled Saito down, and he laid his head on her lap. Saito didn't even fight her. He needs his mother. And Lunic is the perfect person. She has a motherly feel to her, just like Senna, just like any mother who has gone through hardships.

Lunic ran her hands through his hair. Just like his mother used to do when he was little, his mother is safe at Luther's.

"Saito tried to sleep," she said. "And try to talk to Claire's wolf, get whatever information she may have. Maybe you could give her a little boost. A slight touch between Sai and Aire could help.

Saito nodded. He closed his eyes. Within seconds, he was in a deep sleep.

Aire was up, and so was Claire. She was crawling all over Aire, giggling. "Aire, play." Claire went under Aire's wing and popped back out.

"Claire?" Saito approached the cage.

Claire stopped her playing and looked. "Aire, it's a steamer."

'You can trust him,' Aire nudged Claire. 'Saito is a good person.'

Saito sat in front of the cage with Sai behind him.

Claire squealed. "Doggy!" Aire pulled Claire back as Claire tried to run towards the bars. "Aire?"

'Remember, the bars are bad; they can hurt you,' she said.

Claire approached the bars carefully and sat down. She didn't touch them. "Saito?"

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