9) Sexy Time

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"Since they are going to be late," Claire bundles up the kids. "Let's go for a walk, maybe to the park?"

"Sounds good," Saito grabbed the house keys. "Let's go."

Claire pushed Sapphire's stroller and Saito Leon's. He locked up behind them.

Denny and Jack were running late; there was a family drama. Someone not invited arrives at the wedding and almost ruins it.

Taylor is running late because he has to help Luther with Skyler. It seems Luther knows who Skyler is. Taylor didn't say much; they needed to confirm it with someone.

Claire is happy that Skyler is one step closer to discovering his past. And whatever enslavement spell her father placed on Skyler can be removed by an expert witch. But Luther's mother. Skyler is going to be free. That's all Claire ever wanted.

It seems the balance of the universe is slowly restoring.

She and Saito walk to town.

It seems the town is aware of their presence. Jack must've told them. The people here are very cautious about outsiders.

They stopped by a toy shop. It won't be wrong if Claire buys the kids some toys. Right? Well, Saito will have to buy them.

The kids went wild seeing so many toys. Sapphire was staring at the giant brown teddy bear. She kept pointing at it. Saito groaned. "We can't carry it, it's too big."

Sapphire pouted.

"I swear, Luna is a bad influence," Saito asked the lady if they could deliver the teddy bear. They said yes. Saito wrote Jack's address. "There, it'll be waiting at home." Sapphire clapped her hands, understanding.

Saito bought them a green ball and a ducky plush, the ball for Leon, and the ducky doll for Sapphire. They left the toy store and continued the walk.

They stopped by a diner. Claire picked up Leon, and Saito grabbed Sapphire. Feeding wasn't hard. They liked the mashed potatoes with white gravy, corn, cheese, and pieces of popcorn chicken.

"Claire," Saito snapped a picture of her and Leon. Claire giggle. "You'll be a wonderful mom."

She blushed. "And you'll be a wonderful father."

Sapphire grabbed the pickle from Saito's plate, and she scrunched up her nose at the saltiness and sour taste. But that didn't stop her from eating it. After lunch came dessert. They went to an ice cream parlor. They had all sorts of flavors.

For the kids, they got vanilla with chocolate and caramel syrup. And some sprinkles. They got the cones in cups.

She and Saito share a banana split with four scoops of ice cream, vanilla, strawberry, and two scoops of coffee ice cream. They added sprinkles, caramel, chocolate, and strawberry syrup. Granola. Chunks of pecan nuts and fresh strawberries. And a mini marshmallow.

She got some waffle cones. To eat them plain.

Their little adventure was fun; on the way home, Claire bumped into a girl. The girl had the blackest hair, like coal, and beautiful emerald eyes. She would've mistaken the girl for a vampire because of her paleness if it wasn't for the pointy ears.

Pointy ears?

And elf? Fairy? Pixie? Or a nymph. They are the only species with pointy ears unless there's another species if Claire could only get a full glimpse.

The girl disappeared into the ice cream shop.

Denny and Jack were already home when she and Saito arrived. Taylor and Demitri were there too. The four were examining the giant bear.

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