0) Prologue

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"What is she wearing?"

"She a little angel," Luna smiled. "Look at her, isn't she cute."

Saito looks down at Sapphire. She's dressed up for Halloween as an angel. They got her the whole outfit. From the white dress to the wings and halo. Is Luna trying to anger the angels?

Luna grinned; she picked up Sapphire and went outside. She held her up to the sky. "Look, isn't she cute?!"

A single lightning waved across the sky, making the dark day for a brief moment.

"Oh, don't be like that," Luna smiled.

Saito groaned.

Luna has been taunting god non-stop. It's like she's begging to get struck down. She already ate one bolt; imagine if she eats more. He shook his head and grabbed Sapphire.

"Stop," he sighed.

Sapphire squealed and made baby noises. Luna is a bad influence on Sapphire.

Luna pouted and crossed her arms. "You're no fun." Sapphire copy her.

"Go," Saito set Sapphire in the stroller. "Don't you kids too scared?"

Luna laughed evilly and ran off. Sapphire whimpered; she's become attached to Luna. Too attach that Sapphire is acquiring some of Luna's off habits, like sagging when someone picks her up, she only does this when she doesn't want to take a bath or go to bed.

Sarah came out with Taylor. Taylor groaned. Luna forced him to dress as a vampire. And Sarah, the vampiress. Demitri followed behind and was laughing.

"How does it feel?" Demitri smirk. "To be me?"

Taylor growled. "Shut up."

Demitri smirk. "Hm? Where's Luna?"

"She ran off to scare the kids."

Demitri groaned. "Great, I'll see you guys later!"

Sarah shrugged. "Come on, it's Sapphire's first Halloween. Let's get her a lot of candy and pictures!"

Saito waved at them. He'll join them later. Sighing, Saito got in the car. He will meet the older man; he doesn't have much time.

The drive was peaceful.

This month has been good; no drama. No danger. Aside from Luna's constant ranting, everything is going well. The only thing he needs to deal with is the humans living on his property.

He arrived at the older man's house. There were two trucks and five men. They were arguing with the older man. And they had shotguns.

These humans have taken it too far. He parked to the side and got out. "What's going on?" He strode over. He knows it's dangerous; these men have guns. But Saito isn't going to let them intimidate the older man.

"Fuck off," the bald head spat. "This doesn't concern you." He turned back to the older man and pushed him. "Listen here, this is our land now. If you don't give us ownership, we'll burn this place to the ground!"

Saito growled and felt Sai trying to claw his way out. He walked over, grabbed the man by his shoulder, and threw him down. He picked up the shotgun and aimed it at him.

"I was generous enough to let you and your families stay here for two months," he placed his foot on the man's throat and pushed his mouth open with the end of the shotgun. He held the tip of the gun in his mouth. The man was sweating, begging for his life. "I have you two months to find another place to live. And I told you to stay away from this farm. But it seems like you're all stupid and uneducated. So now you have one month to move out. Pack your things and fuck off my land. Trust me, you won't like it when I evict you. And I know you have children; I'd rather not let them see your failure as a father."

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