39) Wedding Escape

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It's happening.

Today is the day, the day that Saito will get Claire back. He'll be ready for the unexpected. Anything can happen; the plan could quickly go askew.

Still, Saito's temper is reaching dangerous levels. He is ready to kill someone, and that'll be Dom.

He knows Claire is supposed to marry Dom. But Saito is worried; what if the wedding happens just as Duke planned? He could force Claire with threats.

"Saito, please relax," Senna said. "Everything will be alright; you need to relax. Please sit."

Saito stopped pacing as the lights went out. No. No. It can't be happening. A snowstorm? He looked out, worse, a blizzard. He could barely see anything. Why must the weather be against us?

He sighed. Well, at least Hades will be out soon. Persephone went back to hell with Savannah's help. She'll release Hades, and he will take back control of Olympus until they can release Zeus and the others.

Senna joins him by the window. "It looks bad outside; don't consider this a bad thing. The angels won't be able to fly straight. The icicles will cut through their feathers. Take this weather as an advantage."

"Yes, I guess you're right," he sighed.

"I hope Xavier and the others can navigate this storm," Senna rubs her arms. "Little Sapphire is still tiny. She hasn't developed the right temperature; she could suffer from hypothermia. I have clothes ready for her and Luna."

That could complicate things, but Sapphire is a strong little girl. She'll have Skyler to protect her. Still, he doesn't want Sapphire to get sick; she's still a child.

"I'll go and set up some candles. Let's not turn the backup generators just yet," Senna patted his chest. "I'll start on dinner, something warm to help with the cold."

Saito nodded.

Saito looks outside; winds could be up to 45mph or higher. There is zero visibility, the temperature is dropping to -12, and it could fall to freezing levels. Wolves can survive this vampire, too; witches could use spells to fight the cold. But he isn't sure about demons. And Sapphire is small; her body won't be able to handle such harsh weather.

Saito frowned. The longer he stared out, the more his eyes played tricks on him. He swears there is someone outside.

A female dressed in a white gown was waving at him. He knows it's not Mother Nature; she doesn't have a physical body.

This female kept pointing at something. Saito closed his eyes and opened them; she had moved closer and was now standing outside the window looking at him. It was like looking at a ghost. A ghost of Claire?! He wasn't sure if he should go outside or not. It could be a trap; the enemy would use any dirty trick to lure him out.

'Help!' She chimed. 'Please, Saito, help!'

"Help who?" Saito asked, panicking. He covered his mouth and looked at her. Why is he talking to this ghostly figure of Claire?

'Help them, they're in danger!' She yelled and vanished from a strong wind gust.

Help who? Who was in danger? Damnit, now Sato had to find out who was in danger. It could be anyone.

Saito didn't have time to investigate; he went to his office and wrote a note for Senna; he walked out and set the note on the coffee table.

Senna isn't going to be so happy she'll be pissed off, but it's an emergency. He opened the front door and leaped into the cold night, letting Sai take control. The transformation wasn't easy; even though he completely healed, residue remains from those lightning bolts.

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