33) Boredom

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Saito looked out the window, his been stuck indoors for the last three and half days. He is starting to lose his mind. Senna doesn't let him do anything else but walk around the house. He can't go out for fear of Dom coming back to finish him off.

Senna keeps him company; she even brings him board games and books—his phone. None of that keeps him entertained. He is dying from boredom. He could be out there exercising and keeping his stamina up. But no, Senna is being motherly and keeping him inside. And there is no arguing with Senna.

"Here," Senna handed her infant boy to Saito. "Keep yourself entertained and watch my son while I cook. Today, I'm allowing you to eat meat. Congratulations, you no longer have to eat soup."

There's that, too; Senna has been feeding him soup for the last three days. From morning to night. Senna states the soup had special herbs to heal his wounds. He's grateful for her hospitality. But he won't be eating soup for a while.

"Look," he stood and moved to the couch. "Don't get me wrong, I love your soups. But I have been shitting water for days. My stomach won't be able to handle watery substance for a while."

Senna gasped. "Language in front of my child."

Saito looks down at the kid; he has an insane stare. "Why bother? He'll only learn it from Luther and Taylor. Those two can cuss up a storm."

Senna shook her head.

He turns on the TV and clicks through the channels. The human news was on; random phenomena kept happening. Humans are starting to get nervous. There have been riots, and stores are getting robbed.

Saito will have to help them after the war is over. He won't let innocent humans suffer the consequences of this war.

He heard a loud fart come out of the kid and a warmth on his lap. Saito groaned. "The kid shitted himself."

"Change him," Senna pointed a wooden spoon at the diaper bag. "Diapers and wipes are right there."

"Fuck no," Saito look down at the kid; he was kicking his legs.

"Take it as practice," Senna called out from the pantry. "You and Claire plan on having children? Right?"

Saito smiled. "Yeah." He stood with the kid and grabbed the diaper bag. He went back to the couch and began the process of changing the kid. How hard can it be?

Two minutes in, and he was struggling. Chasing a diaper is not an easy task; the kid kept squirming. Finally, after ten minutes, he got the job done.

"I praise the woman," Saito uses wipes to clean his hands. "Changing in diapers is not easy. Imagine when there are two babies. You women are miracle workers."

"I appreciate your compliment," Senna bagged up the diaper and went into the bathroom.

She came back. "Don't jinx it; you'll end up having two."

Saito knocked wood. "One pup at a time." He held the kid. "What's his name anyways?" The kid has been nameless since he was born. Senna and Luther haven't come up with a good name yet.

"We aren't sure," Senna sighed. He could hear the knife hitting the cutting board as she chopped up some vegetables. "We can't choose a name, either Peter or Connor."

"Those are some basic names," Saito looked at the kid. "I'll name you; I'll give you a cool name." The kid kicks his legs and coo. He needs a cool name. "Koa."

He squealed and made baby noises.

"I believe he approves of the name," Senna said. "I know Luther will love it. Our little warrior finally has a name."

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