Chapter 27

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"Mommy, get up," Ashtyn cried as she tugged on Camila's arm.

Camila's back was leaning against the mattress and her eye chocolate eyes were closed shut. I grimaced at the sight of her vomit only a few centimeters in front of her.

"Mommy," Ashtyn cried harder as she look at her mother.

"Ash, come here," I said, stepping in. 

"No, I want to stay with mommy."

"Ashtyn Michelle, I'm not going to tell you again," I said sternly in my Miami-Cuban voice.

Ashtyn kissed Camila's temple before walking over to me. I lifted the green-eyed toddler up and quickly removed her from Camila and I's room. No child should see their mother in a drunk state of mind.

I quietly walked into her room, careful not to wake up Kayne. All I need is to add an already sick child into tonight's chaos. I readjusted Ashtyn onto my hip before pulling the blankets on her bed back. I tucked her in securely and than planted a chaste kiss onto her forehead.

"Mama?" Ashtyn asked. 

The moonlight shined through the window and hit Ashtyn in the face. The light helped bring out her light green eyes. Her long black locks cascaded down her face and onto the pillow.

"Mama?" Ashtyn repeated as she looked at me confused.

"Yeah nugget?" I asked as I swept the dark locks off her face with my hand.

"Is mommy sick?"

My body tensed up as I processed those three words in my head over and over again. 

"Um, uh," I stumbled over my words as her green-eyes stared contently at me as she awaited for an answer.

"Sorta, yeah," I nodded.

"Like Kay?" She questioned.

"Not exactly. Mommy just has a bellyache but she'll be better in the morning."

"You should rub her belly. That makes me better when my belly hurts."

"I'll keep that in mind," I giggled before kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight, Ash."

"Mama, wait," Ashtyn said as she sat up.

"What's wrong, Ash?"

"Please take care of my mommy."

"I will always take care of your mommy," I promised.

Ashtyn laid back down and I took it as my cue to leave. I walked into bathroom and grabbed the small trash bin before attending to Camila. I pulled her left leg over the vomit so she was sitting parallel to the bed. I carefully pulled her up and sat her on the bed. I helped her get comfortable before proceeding to clean her and the vomit up.

"Lolo," Camila slurred as she tried to reach for the green-eyed girl.

"Fuck Camila," I sighed as she caught the drink girl before she could fall back off the bed.

I pushed her back on the bed and placed the trash can closer to the bed. I ran to the bathroom and quickly washed my hands before this night could get anymore chaotic.

As soon as I laid on the bed, Camila clung onto me with her signature koala hug. I wrapped my my her waist as she pressed her head against my left breast.  A warm fingertip began to draw small circles on my hipbone over and over again.

"Camz?" I asked as I watched her draw small circles on my skin.

Her finger slowly move up up my shirt. My breathe hitched as she began to trace my abdomen.

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