Chapter 6

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"Mommy," an angel-like voice said, waking me up.

I slowly opened my eyes realizing I never went back into my bunk. Instead I was like laying on the couch with Camila's arms wrapped loosely around my waist. Her warm breath hit against my porcelain skin. I carefully moved a piece of her raven colored hair away from her face.

"I'm hungry," Ashtyn whined, making me break out of my trance.

"What are you hungry for?" I asked the two little girls.

"Cookies," Ashtyn smiled.

"Yeah, can we have cookies for breakfast?" Kayne asked, agreeing with the suggestion her twin sister made.

"I don't think we can have cookies for breakfast," I laughed.

"Why not?" The emerald eyed toddler pouted.

"It goes against the breakfast rules," I answered.

"Breakfast rules?" Ashtyn asked.

"Mhm," I nodded. "And if you break them then a giant monster comes at night and eats you," I teased.

The ocean eyed toddlers eyes widen at the sound of that. Even though she's the oldest and the bossiest, she's the twin who gets scared more easily.

"Mama's lying," Kayne told Ashtyn.

"What is going on?" Camila yawned, her eyelids fluttering open. She removed her arms away from my torso and turned her body around so she was facing the girls, elbowing my boob in the process.

"Ow Camz, that was my boob, " I blurted out, rubbing my aching boob.

"Camz," she smiled, looking deeply into my emerald eyes. "You haven't called me that in years."

My cheeks turned a bright red. I didn't even realize I called her the nickname I gave her back during the X Factor days.

"Sorry, it just kind of slipped out," I apologized, trying to break eye contact from her but failing.

"No need to apologize. I kind of miss you calling me that," she replied, making my whole body go weak from her sucking on her bottom lip.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Ashtyn whined, interrupting the mini conversation Camila and I were having.

"Ashtyn," Kayne sighed. "Aunty DJ told you not to ruin any camren moments," the younger toddler said, making Camila and I laugh.

"Sorry, but my stomach is going to explode from not eating," she replied, her tiny hands rubbing her stomach.

"What do you want to eat, Ash?" Camila asked, breaking her body away from mine so she could take care of the two little girls in front of us. I would do anything for her to be wrapped back up in my arms.

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