Chapter 19

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"You look nervous," Dinah spoke up as she had her make-up touched up.

"I'm nervous before every show," I replied truthfully.

"Yeah, but you usually get nervous only thirty seconds before a show. We have about half an hour until we go out on stage," she said, glancing down at her phone.

"I'm always nervous before a home show," I shrugged.

"You're not proposing to Mila again, are you?" Dinah asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I wasn't planning on it, but then again, I wasn't planning to propose when I originally did."

"I'm still hella mad that you wouldn't invite your best friend to the wedding," Dinah said, smacking her lips together.

"Camz and I didn't even have a wedding," I replied.

"Did you ever regret marrying Camila?" She asked cautiously.

"What makes you ask that question?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"Just out of curiosity," she shrugged. "You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I was just allowing my brain to wonder out loud."

"Well, to answer your question, I've never regretted marrying Camila. Even if we would have went through with the divorce, I still wouldn't regret marrying her," I answered.

"I do, however, wish we would have waited a little bit longer to get married, but I wouldn't trade anything," I continued.

"Do you feel like you rushed things?" She questioned.

"I know we definitely rushed on having kids. I miss being able to see my friends and do whatever I want on my days off. Instead, my days off are spent trying to entertain two three-year-olds before they break anything."

"I wouldn't trade any of it though," I went on. "They definitely make my days more lively."

"You two definitely make cute kids, though," Dinah stated, fixing her hair.

"Camila and Chris make cute kids," I corrected.

Camila and I always knew we wanted Chris to be our sperm donor. We chose him for a couple of reasons.

One reason was so our children had Cabello and Jauregui genes, and second, was so all our children could have the same donor.

"Chris may be their 'father', but Ashtyn definitely looks like you with those eyes."

"True," I giggled. "I honestly expected them to both look more like Camila."

"I expected them to both be model material and I was right," Dinah replied.

"I know I'm model material," Camila said as she entered the room, flipping her hair.

"You can leave now, Camilla," Dinah stated.

"I could, but I don't want to," she replied, coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hi beautiful," I smiled, looking up at my wife.

"Hi," she said, leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

"I'm going to go before I throw up," Dinah said, leaving the two of us alone.

"What's up?" I asked as she moved to the seat next to me.

"I want to talk to you about earlier," she stated.

"I will admit, Kay and I don't spend as much time alone as I would like too, but I love her just as much as I love Ash," she confessed. "It's hard to schedule one-on-one time with the girls when you only have your daughters for six days a months, and now with tour, we're always on the move," the brown-eyed girl continued.

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