Chapter 5

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"This whole thing is driving me crazy," I groaned.

"You're driving me crazy," Dinah said exhausted. "It's been almost a week since you found heard about this 'Superman', but yet you do nothing to try and find out who it actually is."

"What am I supposed to do? Just go up to Camila and be like, 'Hey Camila, who is Superman and why is he hurting you?'"

"Just ask Ashtyn about this person. She is the one who brought them up, so she obviously knows a lot more than us," The Polynesian admitted. 

"She's only three, I doubt she knows anything about him."

"You would be very surprised at how much a three year old actually knows," Dinah responded. "She may not know a lot about this person, but I can guarantee she could put a face to the name."


"Hi Kayne," I smiled, walking into the room and sitting down next to the brown eyed toddler.

"Hi Mama," she replied, not looking up from brushing her Barbie's hair. 

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Playing Barbies," she responded, holding up the plastic blonde hair barbie doll.

"Where'd your sister go?" I asked, looking around the room to see the ocean eyed girl in sight. With tonight being the first show of the tour, everyone is hard at work to make sure the tour starts out with a bang.

"She threw a fit so mommy put her down for a nap," she answered, her eyes still glued onto the Barbie.

"And why didn't mommy put you down for a nap?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Because I'm a big girl and big girls don't need naps."

"Is that so?"

"Mhm, that's what aunt Mani said," the brown eyed girl told me.

"Since you're a big girl and big girls don't need naps, do you want to play a game?" I suggested, pulling out a bag of m&ms from my coat pocket. The game was originally for Ashtyn, but Kayne probably knows just as much about this superman guy.

"How do you play?" She asked, her eyes staring contentedly on the bag.

"Mama is going to ask you a question and for every question you answer, I'll give you a m&m."

"What if I get the question wrong."

"You can't be wrong, but you have to be honest," I said, sticking out my pinky finger.

"Okay," she agreed, linking her tiny pinky with mine.

"First question," I started, taking a blue m&m out of the bag. "What is your favorite color?"

"Green," she answered.

"Green? Why green?"

"Because it's the color of your eyes and I love your eyes," she answered. "I also love Ash's eyes but don't let her know that," she added.

"I won't," I laughed, handing the m&m over to the toddler.

"Two," she corrected, keeping her tiny hand stuck out.

"Why do I have to give you two?"

"Now you have to give me three since you asked me three questions," she acknowledged.

"You're right," I laughed before handing two more m&ms over to the little girl. She instantly popped them into her mouth, smiling as she chewed. "What's your favorite animal?" I asked, continuing the game.

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