Chapter 7

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"Deep breathe Lauren," I said to myself, taking in a deep breath of air.

I brought my hand up to the hotel door then quickly brought it back down to my side. I can do this. I slowly brought my hand back up to the door and knocked lightly.

In the matter of seconds, the door widened to reveal the chocolate eye Latina wearing her black 1975 t-shirt I bought her when we went to their concert and a pair of one direction pajama bottoms. Her damp, dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun with a few strands helping to define her facial features.

"Lauren," she said, looking at me concerned. "Where are the girls?" She asked, noticing I was childless.

"Dinah and Normani said they would take them for the night," I answered, causing her to relax a bit.

"Isn't Dinah's birthday tomorrow? I thought she would have went out clubbing or something since we don't have a show tomorrow," She replied, slightly confused about the situation.

"Dinah did say something about her and Mani wanting to play beer pong with the girls," I joked.

"What?!" Her eyes widening at my joke. "Lauren they're-"

"They're only three, I know," I laughed, cutting her off. "It's good to start them out young."

"I really hope you're joking," she replied, not funny this funny.

"Ally also mention something about hiring exotic male dancers," I teased.

"Lauren," she said, placing her hands on my shoulders and pushing me back only a step.

"Abuse," I yelled out in the empty hallway.

"Really Lauren?" She questioned, rolling her eyes. "What exactly did you come to my room for?"

"I actually wanted to talk you," I said, wanting to quickly get to the point as to why I was here.

"Okay," she said, trailing off at the end.

"Can I come in?" I asked, sensing how awkward this situation has become.

"Yeah," she nodded, opening up the door wider so I could enter.

I walked into the room, taking in the scenery of the room. For once, Camila didn't make her hotel room look like a tornado ran through it. Her bags and gifts from fans were aligned neatly against the wall. Papers were sprawled out all over the cherry oak desk but it didn't look as messy as her desk would usually be. The only thing on the floor was two white towels she must have used earlier.

"Oh, this is for you," I remember, taking the half melted twix bar out of my leather jacket.

"Uh thanks," she said, hesitantly taking the candy bar out of my. She walked passed me and placed the candy bar in the mini fridge.


Rather Be (A Camren Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें