"Where are you losers!?" the deepest voice on earths calls.

"I'm gonna sneak out the front door before he sees me" Kevin whispers as quietly as possible.

"I may not see you but I'd definitely hear you" Logan stomps into the room. He glares at Kevin momentarily, and then sets his gaze on me. "Where's the beer-"

"Top left corner of the freezer" I say before he can finish.

He heads for it immediately.

"See you tonight?" Kevin says after kissing me.

"Sure thing" I walk him to my door.

"Later Wolfy!" Kevin calls teasingly towards Logan.

"F*ck you" Logan replies in the exact same tone.

I break out snickering. Kevin pinches my cheeks, and leans in for one last kiss.

"Bye," he says.

"Bye" I answer, and close the door behind him.

Logan walks passed me with a tube of my leftover spaghetti into the living room, turning on the TV and falling down into his regular arm chair. If people thought Sheldon was protective of 'his spot' they have not met Logan yet. He'd go full on Wolverine if you dared think of sitting on his precious chair. I know, cause David foolishly tried.

"Don't you think you guys kiss too much?" he says out of nowhere.

"Huh? What?" I asked, confused, walking after him.

"The two of you," he waves a fork full of pasta as an indicator. "You kiss way too much, and I worked on the same team as Jean and Scotty"

"We do not!" I protest. "We kiss just enough times as does any normal average healthy couple"

"You may be normal and average, but you're definitely not healthy."

I cringe at his words, and instead of allowing the words to sink in I retaliate and kick him as hard as I can in the shin. A loud clang resonates around the room, Logan just shrugs and continues shoving down pasta.

"Adamantium bones" he reminds me.

I growl at him and walk out of the room. "How about I set you over a fire, will your Adamantium save you then?" I hiss.

"You do know my hearing is better than all your senses combined right? And yes it will save me"

I growl some more and march up the stairs. "Then how come your precious sense of smell couldn't detect the beer?"

"It was in a bottle in the freezer in the fridge!" he calls after me.



I decided to go for a quick evening jug to clear my head before the gig me, Sara, Kevin and David had tonight. I make it round a sleek metal building as my hoodie bounces around my body frame.

This gig was a really big deal for us, and the venue was offering a really solid price given the fact that the owner was able to crack my identity. It wasn't everyday people remembered and recognized me as a previous member of the Fantastic Four.

The sharp gut wrenching pain slams into me again at the thought of my previous life. I tilt my head down and push myself to jug 5 extra miles, the rapid beating of my heart distracted me from everything other then the urge to breathe. I rest by a nearby mini-mart near the central outskirts of town, I grab two bottles of water and chug them down like a damn fish. I toss the money on the counter for the clerk and rush out due to the curious eye he was giving me.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now