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Word Count: :D words


Notes: Contains mentions of canon comics Smokes and Shadows and North and South. Enjoy!


Natsuko fell in love three times in the span of ten thousand years.

Her first love was what others would call infatuation and though that was just non-existent and the forced feeling of romance. But she knew it was the gratitude for the person, spending her life with him for more than years.

When he told her that he felt something for her, she thought she was being rude if she did not reciprocate those feelings at all, so she had forced herself to return the favor.

By the end, the man realized and decided to act against her forced feelings by telling her it wasn't real, all of them lying to one another half is forbidden.

The second love was the first royalty to ever walk the face of the mortal realm.

Two things occurred and she that their love wasn't meant to be—the betrothed of her other half and the only princess of the Water Tribe.

If she was only born from the Air Temples, that would lessen their problems just one to a lot.

She didn't stop looking over the monarchy of the Water Tribe since then and helped it continue, not knowing that many years from then, the same lineage would be the people to stop her reign as the spirit of the Avatar.

Her third love; albeit not really professed but very very obvious; was the burnt prince of the Fire Nation, once exiled and was now serving his time as the Fire Lord. Whose palace she was sulking in while her body laid itself drastically on the sofa and her hands supporting her head on the edge.

To stay that it (should've) ended wonderful wasn't the right term in the very least. It was rather miraculous. And absolutely foolish.

First Problems

To think that the world was fair to someone like her or to anyone else, spirits dealt with unfairness and pitiful mortal beings enough to constantly remind them of it. And the thought had subsided just right after life constantly shitting on her day after day after day.

Sometimes, turtle ducks would find someone to give them bread crumbs and they'll search for them for their daily bread but it didn't mean that the turtle duck will think of marrying that someone. People aren't like turtle ducks so it's pitiful when the same person keeps on coming back for the duck in hopes of keeping it forever.

Probably that analogy wasn't right but it still hurts.

As the days go by, she slowly contemplated on what life should've been to her eyes after finally realizing and opening her mind to the truth or what looks real to her. That turtle ducks were meant to be adored in the far distance before the other turtle ducks will hurt her before she can even go near.

"Are you okay?" Suki asked Natsuko while the purple eyes stare to the horizon of the large overseeing balcony, "Should I call Zuko?"

"No!" somehow his name was what kept her anchored to the ground from her head reaching the clouds, "No, but thank you, Suki."

Whatever she felt, she hadn't felt it in a long time. And her thoughts followed each step out the door. She wanted to leave, at least she wanted to believe that she did, maybe she actually wanted to. Overseeing Aang with Appa as they spend the night before leaving the next day to the South Pole.

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