Besides You

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I stayed up all night writing in a notebook. I sat in the floor scribbling down lyrics and notes for the guitar. I had almost already drank a pot of coffee trying to keep myself wake. I eventually passed out on the floor.

I woke up and called Morgan. (Bold text is Morgan talking, italicized is Haley talking)
Hey Haley. How are you?
Well you only left me yesterday, but I already miss you guys. Um yeah so I'm writing and recording an album now.
Oh my god. No way. How when. Woah
Yes way. The guys set it up for me and its coming out the 21 of August. How' s the UK?
Pretty good. We got here early this morning and rushed to a hotel. Hey sorry we have to go to the arena and stuff I'll call you later.
The phone cut off and I felt a little sad. I was happy that they got to go live their lives, but I'm going to miss them.
I stood up and went to the extra bed room in my apartment. I wondered what I could do with the space. When I remembered I was going to put Michael and I's music stuff in here. I walked out of the room and grabbed the note the guys left me about the album. There was a phone number on it and I called it.

I was told to come down to the studio with my guitar ASAP. I did as I was told. I grabbed my guitar Mikey gave me and head out the door. I eventually got there, holding my notebook in one hand and my guitar in the other. I knocked on the door and someone from the management greeted me.
"Yeah, so just put your stuff here and we can get to it. We have written some songs for you. If you like them we can keep them, or you can help us write." He said.
"Oh yeah cool. We can take a look, I did write some stuff too." I grinned.
I sat down for a while with my guitar trying to learn the notes and rythms. It's way harder to play things that you have know idea how they are supposed to sound over playing a cover.
So far I really like what they came up with. It was punk rock/pop/amazing things that worked with what I liked to play. I decided to start singing the chorus. I had it down pretty well.
I spent all day recording and hanging with the management.

Luke's POV
"Morgan ate you sure you didn't say anything to Haley about what we are doing." I glared.
"Yes. Geeesss." She rolled her eyes.
I had an idea for a new song to sing on stage. I was writing it up when we were on the plane and all day today. I took Ash and Cal into a different room in the hotel and we practiced the song so we could try and play it tonight.
It wasn't to hard to figure out. The only problem was keeping Michael from not hearing it. We wanted to surprise him.
This song was about leaving Haley and everything she said to me before we left. I know it's the first show of the second part of the tour, but I knew Mikey was still really upset and even when Haley was with us on the U.S tour she never saw him to much, to be honest.
Calum and Aston thought it was great idea, but they thought we should tell Michael and include him. I guess he was write.

"HEY MIKEY COME HERE WE NEED HELP" I yelled down the hall. He didn't reply, he just came to the other room.
"What do you guys want." He sounded annoyed. I shoved the papers in his face and tol him to start practicing.
"Why are we playing this. It's depressing." He was so out of it.
"Because we are playing it for HALEY. Those are the things she said to me before we left on tour." I got a little mad.
"Ok jesus." Michael replied.
He picked up his guitar and started practicing. We walked out and let him to practice. I wanted him to really get into it. In the mean time, I'm going to go hang with Hannah.
"Hey Han, wanna go swimging?" I asked. She ran out already dressed in her swim suit and laughed at me. She had been wanting to swim. She ran to me and I picked her up and gave her a hug.
"Well I guess we don't have to go if you don't want to." I teased. She lightly slapped me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room and down to the pool. We passed Calum and Morgan on our way.
"Hey, what you guys doing?" I questioned.
"I don't know. Gonna go do something that involves wedding stuff probably." Morgan jumped.
Morgan was always happy. I don't know why. She has a pretty bad back story. Well she's fine, but her parents both are out of her life. Her mom died in a house fire, and her Dad died in a car accident last year. I felt really bad for her. She lives alone too, which is sad. Now she has Calum, and I think He was going to help her greatly.
We got to the pool. I stood on the side of the pool waiting for Hannah. She went to take her cover up thing off, but before I knew it I was in the pool.
"You were just to.......unaware so I had to." She mocked.
"Well you gonna be sorry when I do this." I grabbed her arm and pulled her in the warm water.
"I hate you Hemmings." She fake pouted.
"Oh I'm glad." I pulled her into my kiss.
We swam around for a while, wasting time, and enjoying it before the concert tonight.

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