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I stood there. Standing in front of my mirror. Waiting to leave me house to embark on a new adventure, In a new state, With new people, and stepping into a whole new world. I had only ever lived in one place my whole life. I lived in the middle of now where on a farm in Michigan. I just moved to California with my mom and dad. I knew, without a doubt in my mind that California was nothing like my home.
"Hey, you ready to go?" My mom cheered
I looked straight ahead at my reflection. If dark jeans, a black shirt, and a crazy deep side part counts as ready.
I opened the door of my bedroom giving my mother a look of disgust. I surly didn't want to movie across the country. I really didn't enjoy saying goodbye to all of my friends. Even though they said see you soon, I knew that that wasn't happening.

I walked out to my moms car, backpack in hand and plopped myself in the seat. I watched the other cars go bye us as the sun came up. I sat and wondered about random things like gravity and other science things I was into.
"Here we are!" My mother said beaming. I sat and wondered if she really knew how unhappy I was.
I walked out of her big bus of a car and walked toward the massive high school. I hide my face under my bangs to hope no one would see me or talk to me.

I walked to my locker unpleasantly and opened my locker. I shoved my bag and school things in there, but I kept my phone in hand. I stumbled up the stairs to my first class. I was shocked to see how nice the room looked, do to the fact that we were in a school. I had no idea where to sit, so I walked to the front and sat by a girl with really long brown hair. She tapped my shoulder.
"Hello, I'm Hannah"
I looked at her through my bangs
"What's your name?"
I looked at her wondering why she was still talking to me.
"Oh, you must be the new girl, well at least you look new"
"Yeah I'm new, to everywhere, I just moved here from Michi-
I was cut off by a lady walking into the room saying good morning smiling ear to ear.
I wasn't used teachers looking so excited to be at school. I surely wasn't.
She walked to her desk and pulled out a list with peoples names on it.
"I'm Mrs. Shimale, I will be your History teacher this year."
I hated History with a passion. I wasn't the one to understand the point of learning about slaves and the Declaration of Independence or anything history for that matter.
She began calling off names and I looked around the room at the other students to here who said "here" to try and figure out people's name. She read off Hannah. She said "here" with the most cheery sounding voice. I thought she was weird because I wasn't the most cherry.
"Haley" Mrs. Shimale said
I looked at her without removing my messy hair from my face. Everyone looked around to see who was gonna say here to the mysterious name. I finally said "here" and everyone then smiled. I looked back down at my desk, tapping my hands to the beat of Jet Black Heart by 5 seconds of summer.
Mrs. Shimale kept talking(as teachers do) but I didn't listen in to much. I just watched the clock to see when I could get out of this prision

The bell finally rang and I got up and nearly ran to my freedom.
To my dismay, I still had 5 more classes to go to until i could go home.

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