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Back to Haley's Point of View

I went back to school this week. It was so weird. First off, everyone was talking to me and acted like they wanted to be my friend. Secondly, like 4-6 guys asked me out. I thought that was so sallow. They had only done that because I was in the hospital and I was the talk of the school. As you would think, Brendon didn't like that at all. We aren't dating per-say, he just kissed me once. Anyways, school was just weird. Calum started going to our school, Morgan was happy. Jacob did this really cool thing for Hannah to ask her to go to homecoming with him. She said yes, obviously. They are really cute.

Today is Friday, thank god. I trudged to my closet and grabbed a flannel, jeans, and converse. I brushed my hair and threw it up into a ponytail. I opened my bedroom door, and was hit with the smell of pancakes. That put a smile on my face.
"Here kiddo, it's finally Friday" my mom said handing me a plate of pancakes.
"Thanks and yeah. Extra enfesis on finally."
Once I finished my pancakes, I threw it over my shoulder. I opened the front door and felt the cold fall air fill my lungs. I walked to my car. Something wasn't right when I sat in it. It felt different. I peered in the back. There was a box. I grabbed it and opened it, hoping it wasn't a bomb. I looked in the box to find a black crystal shaped like an "c". I didn't know what to do with it so I sat it in the passenger seat and pulled out of the driveway.
When I got to school, I immediately walked to my friends and showed them the crystal. They didn't know what it was either. I looked around for Calum, Jacob, and Brendon. They weren't there.
"Hey. Where they guys at."
"I haven't got a clue." Rachel frowned
"I was with Calum yesterday, so he must be home still." Morgan added
"Yeah, same. I went to dinner with Jacob last night sooo." Hannah said.
I was curious what they were up too. It was weird because they were all gone the same day, so they are probably together doing god knows what.
The bell rang and we entered the school. When I started to walk in, I ran into someone and they turned around. He handed me a black crystal in the shape of a "o". I was so confused. Is someone trying to say something to me, what's happening. After that I walked to my locker. I opened it and put my bag in there. I looked up to grab my History book. I saw another crystal hanging from the top of my locker. It was in the shape off a "m".

Through out the day I gathered crystals and shoved them into my bag. I didn't know what was going on so I didn't think of trying to make words from the letters. I just put them in my bag each time. None of the guys are here yet. Its time for music class. That was my favorite class. The guys and I were all in that class so we had fun. Jacob played the drums, Calum played the bass, Brendon played the guitar. So did I. In high school we don't do much learning. We just write songs in groups or preform already made songs. My group was always with the guys. We sound pretty good together. I sing, well we all do. We normally do songs that have already been written. Songs by people like Green Day, All Time Low, and Fall Out Boy.
When i walked in, to my surprise I saw the guys. I walked over to them.
"Hey, where have you guys been?"
"Wellllll we have something to sing to you." Jacob said.
Brendon pulled my arm and sat me down in front of them. They grabbed there instruments and played a few random notes to warm up real quick. I laughed at them, it sounded so bad. Brendon finally said 1,2,3,4. They began playing. There was no singing yet.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind, it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me...
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly

They finished the song. I was crying at the sound of how amazing they sounded.
Brendon stood up and pulled me up with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled. Everyone in class cheered. I forgot they were even there. He let go and handed me a crystal that was in the shape of a question mark.
I opened my bag and took them all out. I set them out. C O M H E ?O I M G N
I looked at them and laughed. That wasn't a word. I moved around a few letters and then I knew what they spelled. I turned around and kissed Brendon.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Brendon giggled.
I laughed back at him and I jumped into his arms and said yes.

So maybe this made up for the rest of this week...

A/n thanks for reading my book. Don't forget to comment suggestions or anything. Have a great rest of your day
-XOXO Haley(yes thats my real name) :p

The Road That Leads To NowhereOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz