Now what

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While we rode home back to Hannah's house, I sat and thought in silence. I tucked the necklace under my shirt too. To avoid any eye contact with it. I thought of what I should do or say to Brendon. I really like Brendon, but in that moment only Michael mattered. I watched out the window until we pulled into Hannah's drive way. I stepped out and trudged to the front door. I swung it open and walked to the living area. My friends followed close behind. We all sat in the living room. We didn't say much for a bit.
"That was really fun" Hannah said, breaking the silence. Luke agreed
"Yeah..." We all chimed in.
We sat in silence some more. Brendon scooted next to me and lifted my up, laying me on his chest. I didn't say anything or more. Just sat there. I finally decided to break the silence.
"Today is my 18 birthday." I bursted out. Morgan, Rachel, and Hannah clicked on their phone and checked the date. Their phones read 11/21/15.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" The girls yelled.
I gave them a small smile. Brendon turned me around and looked at me. He kissed me and said happy birthday. I stood up, my necklace fell out from behind my shirt and Brendon noticed.
"Hey. Is that a new necklace." He questioned. He knew I didn't like necklaces, but this was different. I absolutely loved this one.
"Oh yeah it was a birthday gift." I said shyly.
"Who gave it to you?". He glared.
"Mikey....." I exclaimed and quickly tried to turn away. That didn't happen. Brendon grabbed my wrist and pulled me down. I shreeked a little and said ow under my breathe. He took hold of the metal guitar pic and looked at it. He saw Michael's signature. He let go of it. He looked mad and upset.
"Why did he give that to you? Why are you wearing it? You don't like jewelry! Take it off!" He began raising his voice with every word as he stood up. I began to get a little scared. I looked behind me and noticed all the girls had fled upstairs and the guys were sitting on the couch glaring and Brendon.
"He knew it was my birthday without me ever bringing it up and he's my friend and I really like is." I hollered back. He roughly put his hand on my shoulders and jerked me back. The guys shot up off the couch. Luke grabbed me and pulled me behind them.
"Get out." Luke said with a stern tone.
"No." Brendon mocked. Calum stepped in and pushed Brendon a little and told him to get out. Brendon turned around and left, slamming the front door shut. I fell backwards onto the couch. Luke flipped around and sat next to me. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed my back. I sat there, blankly, not knowing who that person was. It definitely wasn't my boyfriend Brendon. I laid back against the couch, hold the guitar pic in my hands tightly. A tear rolled down my face. I remembered that Michael snuck a note in my pocket earlier, with his number on it. I pulled it out from under me and texted him. I asked him to come over, if he wanted. He replied within seconds with a smiley face.
I sighed and sat there. The girls flew down the stairs and they eagerly tried to comfort me. I just starred blankly at the front door, waiting for that red haired dork to walk in. I didn't smile, or look away from the door. I didn't say a word or move a single bone in my body.
I heard the door handle start to turn. It opened and revealed a tall red haired guy. Before he could look up from the ground, I was already in his arms. He hugged me back tightly, not even aware of what happened. He just did it because he wanted too. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me back to the couch, where my friends were gathered around. He trued to set me down on the couch, but I didn't let go of Michael. I heard him let out a little laugh of relief. He was probably happy I didn't let go. Michael turned around and sat down, I was still latched onto him at the neck and waist. I had my head tucked into him, as I tried to hide. He had his arms wrapped around me, rubbing my back up and down every so often. He moved his arms to my sides and pushed me back a little so he could at least see my face. I looked at him with my sad, dark, almost black colored eyes. I starred him right in the eyes. He glanced up at everyone. They got messages that Michael wanted a minute or so with me alone. They filed up the stairs to a room. I would hear laughs every so often which brought a smile to my face.
"What wrong Hal?" Michael asked me. I began to tell him what happened after he had left me at laser tag. Word for word, every thought that ran through my head. He gave me a smile as a tear ran down his eye. He felt bad for me. Even though the disagreement between Brendon and I wasn't huge, it could have been avoided, but Brendon decided to keep pushing it. He pulled me back into his chest and turned me around so I was facing the stairs. Michael moved to lay on the couch. He was so tall his head and feet touched both ends of Hannah's couch. He pulled me down with him and smushed me into him. I cuddled into his chest while he laid there looking down at me. We laid there for a while. He didn't look away. I slowly feel asleep in the warmth of Michael. He eventually did too. We laid there in the moment, forgetting everything and everyone......

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