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I slowly walked down the hall with my headphones on. I hated my last few hours of school. I had Math, Science, And English. Nothing happened. Not even something as exciting as a fly coming in the room making some popular girl scream.
Back to reality.
I trudged to my locker and opened it. I unwillingly grabbed my bag lunch and slammed my locker door shut. Hoping to get the point across to people I didn't want to talk. I started to hum the words to some Green Day song before I was rudely ran into. I looked back to see a tall boy with brown hair and vibrant teal eyes. I must have starred at him for a good few seconds because I had forgotten where I was. I refocused and walked to the entrance. I saw that Hannah girl waving her hands at me to come sit with her.
I though to myself that there was no way that this girl won't let me not be her friend. I walked over there with a big smile on my face and saying hello in the nicest possible way. We were still in school so that simple task was hard.
"Hey Haley!!!" Hannah said, greeting me at the end of the table.
"Hey, guys this is Haley. She is new here and she's"
She stuttered trying to find something to say about me even though she didn't know much.
"She's bold." She finally said
She showed me to the seat next to her. There was some guy sitting there next to Hannah. He smiled at me and said his name was Jacob. He has dark brown hair and glowing blue eye. He also said he was sorry about how cheery his girlfriend was.
My jaw dropped at that last part. I didn't know people dated here.mAt my old school it wasn't anything anyone cared about to much. I had to admit though, they were really cute together.
I opened my lunch and started to eat my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I didn't talk much. I watched what the other did. Hannah must have been popular or well known because she had a lot of friends at the lunch table with us.
Every so often I would add into the conversation, but I just sat and mostly listend.

I got up to through my lunch away. I suddenly locked eyes with the kid that ran into me earlier. He walked over to me and said he was sorry for hitting me and he placed his warm hand on my shoulder.
"Its ok, I blend into the mad rush of screaming teenagers with lunch bags."
He started to laugh and I smiled back at him.
"My name is Brendon."
At least that's what I thought he said. He was still laughing at what I had said.
"I'm Haley, I just moved here from Michigan so it's nice to meet you."
"Wow, that's far away and nice to meet you."
He continued to talk to me for the rest of lunch and he gave me his classes. I was shocked to see he was in FOUR of my classes.
The lunch bell rang. We said our goodbyes and I walked back to Hannah.
"What was that about." She nudged my shoulder and gave me that ohhohho gushy boy look. I laughed and said nothing. We left the lunch room. I looked down to see Hannah and Jacob walking hand in hand. They were so cute together. I walked to mu locker with the biggest smile on my face knowing that I just made a new friend and a guy that, to be honest, had a hot face!

I walked into my next class. It was gym. I ran and sat next to Hannah and Jacob. They were talking about so paper they had to write. Then I looked up and saw Brendon walking in. I smiled and looked down at my hands. Before I could even look up, Brendon was already sitting next to me, hang on my knee and greeting me with a stupid joke about gym class.
I thought to myself, this school year is going to be great. I didn't even think about my old school for the rest of the day.

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