Over and Out

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I walked to my locker. I opened it and threw my bag in there. I didn't want to be back here. I'd rather be on the couch with Michael playing my guitar. I was to afraid to bring his guitar he gave me to school. So I took my old one. Thinking this made me think about going to music class. And you will never guess who is in my music group. Calum, Jacob, and BRENDON. I almost puked at the thought of his name. Whatever. I grabbed my books and forced a smile onto my face. I walked into History and sat by Hannah. We talked about everything. About my room painting and homecoming and stuff like that. She hates Brendon too. That made me happy that she wanted the very best for me. And Michael was definitely that. Not that we are dating or anything.
The rest of the day I was just dreading going to music class. When it was time for that class, I ran inside looking down at the floor and got out my guitar. I set it on my lap, still looking down.
"Hey Dork, How you been since I um well you know." Brendon smirked with his awful face.
"Oh hi jerk. Didn't notice you over there. Your big ego must have been coving you up." I happily glared at him.
"Those are such rude words for an innocent little girl." He snapped.
"Wow. Didn't know your brain copacetic allowed words with more then 4 letters to come out." I said. Obviously shutting him up.
"So who's your new boyfriend? I know you must have one because you can't survive on your own without one." He mocked.
"I don't have one actually. And clearly you can't keep without someone by your side every moment. So hows that tall blonde. Get her to care about your existence yet." I smiled. He makes me so mad. I want him to "accidentally" fall down the stairs head first.
I looked down at my necklace to remind myself of my crazy red head back at our house. Clearly Brendon noticed.
"Still wearing that ugly piece of metal around your neck from that mentally insane emo red head." He rolled his eyes at me.
"For a matter of fact, I am. You never gave me anything worth wearing. And if he's mentally insane then I must have more problems then you think, because I dated you." I cautioned.
We spent the rest of class fighting until Brendon had react the maximum amount of arrogance in his head. I walked out of there with confidence and my head held high. This was definitely a story to tell Mikey back home.
It was time to leave so, I went to my locker, grabbed my stuff and got out of there as fast as I could. I ran out to my car and drove away. I just wanted to go home. When I pulled into my place, I was still in shock that it was MINE. I raced inside to see Michael. I swung open the door, dropped my bag and lunged into Michael's embrace. He spun me around and slammed me on the couch and followed. He laid onto of me smashing me into the couch, but he was kissing me so it was all good. He laughed and pulled me up.
"How was your day." He questioned.
"Well I talked to a arrogant kid named Brendon. Yeah he's a joy." I flopped on Mikey's lap. I laid there complaining about how jerky he is. He hates him too. I sprung up from the couch and ran to my room. I quickly put on pajamas and ran back out. I walked to the fridge in search for food. I pulled out a bunch of ingredients like flour, eggs, milk, strawberries, and Nutella. I grabbed a bowl and put all the ingredients in the bowl and mixed it. I put a pan on the stove and started heating it. I looked over and Michael was laying on the couch on his phone. God he's HOT. I Was making crepes. I poured the thin batter on the pan and started to cook them. When I made a few, I started to put the Nutella on them. I started to cut the strawberries, when someone pulled their arms around me. I turned around and they before I knew it they were already kissing me. Mikey lifted me onto counter, still kissing me. I was way shorter than him so it made me laugh when I was finally a similar height to his. I grabbed the Nutella spoon and whipped it on Michael's face. I started laughing and so did he. He threw flour at me. Before I knew it eggs, milk, flour, and Nutella was everywhere. I laughed. We sat on the messy floor in the kitchen behind the island. Concealed from the rest of my home. We ate what was left of the crepes. We rolled around, in tears from the laughter.
"Hey Haley." Michael said breaking the laughter.
"Yeah." I smiled.
"I L----------------"

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