Moving foward

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I woke up in the bed, obviously. Everyone went to bed at like, 2pm so I clicked on my phone to check the time. It was already 10pm. I didn't here any noise, other than the music still playing off the tv. Michael was still sleeping. I got up out of bed and went and banged on Hannah and Luke's door. The small thin door swung open as a tall blonde Luke stuck his head out.
"Hey there. Oh man you look like a me--." I cut him off.
"Yeah, I know I was asleep. What you guys up to?" I stepped into the room and looked at Hannah sitting on the bed with cards laid out in front of her. I rolled my eyes at the fact they were being very boring. I smiled and walked out. I itched my head as I made my way to Scott; the bus driver. I sat in the big passenger seat next to him. Scott was 23. Seemed young to me for driving a tour bus. All well he was pretty cool.
"Hi Haley. You look, umm tired." I playfully glared at him.
"So I've heard." I laughed.
"First stop, Oregon." Scott cheered.
That wasn't to too far from where we started out. I was told we don't hit every state when they tour, but a lot of them. I watched as we drove down the straight road for miles. It was different from California. I liked seeing new places and taking pictures. The actual tour doesn't start for 5 and a half days so we just planned random spots to have little meet ups and mini shows.
"So, Haley are you like going to like finish High School online or anything." Scott questioned.
"No. I kind of dropped out and left my mom. She didn't want me to come. But I'm 19 so, It was really my choice." I replied.
I guess I didn't really think about all that. I'm a high school drop out. Hm never been the one to not follow the rules. All well, I'm living the dream with the people I love. I thought quickly came to mind. HANNAH. Oh my god, Hannah. She was supposed to finish high school with no distractions, go to UCLA and follow her dream, marry a professional guy, have a nice house with the tacky white picket fence. Out of all my friends, Hannah was the one that was most into school and knew what she wanted to do and how to get there. I began feeling sad cause I just shoved her into a new life. Sorry Hannah, I hope you are having fun. I said to myself. Rachel and Morgan. They were gonna go to court too, and do all that nice stuff. But they didn't really get into school as much as Hannah and they just went along because they had too, so I knew they were having fun. ,e on the other hand. School was definitely a waste for me. Even though I have all A's and stuff, school is just not that hard. I do what I do to get my grades, but I don't go out of my way to get the college I want or to be what I want. I live my life now, and things just happen as they happen. To me, this tour would teach me. I want to do something in music so, this would help.
My phone buzzed, knocking me out of the trance I was in. It was a text from Morgan.
Morgan-hey u guys having fun. Cant wait to stop in. The morning and see the show. We r all gonna crash. Rachel says hi so does gabe. Ashton is drumming away on everything that you could possibly hit. Lots of love xoxo Calum's Fiancé and Calum.
I replied back.
Me-same we are having a lot of fun. We actually just got up well Michael is still sleeping. He will be for the rest of the day i bet. Im just hanging with Scott up here. Yeah tomorrow will be a blast. Hi rach and gabe. And go ashton. Haha rockin n roll dude. Hahah love you guys to xoxo Haley& clan.
I looked back up. It was finally pitch black outside. I decided that I should go back to bed. I'm gonna need the energy to keep up with the guys tomorrow. I walked through the little living space and kitchen. I banged on Hannah's door and said goodnight. I quickly and quietly opened our bedroom door. Michael was still sleeping. God, that's all that he does. He was all sprawled out on the bed. Arms and legs taking up all the space. I walked over to my side. I moved his leg and arm, but he woke up really abruptly.
"So you get up when I move your foot, but not when I bang on the door." I smirked. Michael gave me a tired smile, that I could barely see in the dark room. He grabbed me and pulled me next to him on the bed. I laughed and kissed him. He gladly did the same.
"Hey. So you know that Hey Violet is opening for us right?" Michael informed. I said yes very hesitant.
"Well they got asked to go on a tour of their own. Clearly they accepted. So we need a band or someone to be the opening person." Michael grinned bigger and bigger as he spoke each word.
"Annndddd." I said, totally confused.
"Well you can play the guitar. And you might not know it but you are a great singer. You can go on stage and hype up the crowd and stuff and for the last song you sing, the guys and I can come join you for in." Michael got very excited.
My jaw dropped. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I love playing my guitar for people, and I could pick the songs to sing. This would be so cool. I didn't know what to do, so I rolled into Michael's warm body and laid there for a while.
"I take that as a yes. I would go to sleep if I were you, if you wanna rock out tomorrow." He whispered.
I couldn't sleep all I was thinking about was the setlist that I had to make up of the songs I knew how to play.

My Setlist
- Stella_All Time Low
- November_Sleeping with Sirens
- Little White Lies_One Direction
- Dream_Imagine Drangons
- Missing you_All Time Low
- Irresistible_Fall Out Boy
- My House_PVRIS
- Over and Out_5 Seconds of Summer(with them)

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