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I woke up in a different room from mine. It was pitch black so I knew it wasn't mine, because I have fairy lights in my room. I was in a bed though. I sat up and hit the wall a little. I looked over and saw another body next to me in the bed. I looked closely and could barely see any features. The person opened there eyes. They were teal and I knew who it was. I fell forward on Brendon's lap. I was a little scared. I picked my head up and glared at him.
"Why am I here?" I said confused.
"I brought you here." He said.
"I went for a drive and saw someone at the door step on the ground. I went and looked and it was you. I tried to open the door but it was locked. So I had to take you to my house. I texted your mom and told her."
I was confused at how I was at my door step. I don't know how I got there. Must have slept walked or something. Anyways that was besides the point. I leaned in to him and I put my head on his chest. He grabbed me and pulled me up to his level. He kissed me and said go back to bed. I rolled over on to him.
"Fine, I'll go to bed like this." I giggled. Arms wrapped around me and smushed me closer to Brendon. I groaned a bit because he squished all the air out of me and I needed to breathe. I must have fallen asleep because I started having thoughts of random out of this world things.

I woke up the next day, alone in Brendon's bed. I walked to his bathroom and opened the door. I was blinded by the steam fogging up my glasses. Brendon was in the shower. I didn't hear it so I had opened the dood.
"SORRY. Didn't hear the shower. I'll go." I told him. I heard him laugh.
"Its fine. Just brush your teeth😂." Brendon said.
I did as I was told. Grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing. When I was done I spit in the sink and washed my face off. I walked out and sat back on his bed. A few minutes later he walked out in khakis and a hoodie. I smiled widely at him as he shook the towel through his hair.
"Can you take me back home please. I don't have any clothes here to wear." I asked. He threw a pair off black skinny jeans and a shirt. They landed on my head and thanked him. I put the pants on and slid the shirt on. He gave me his jersey to wear. I shook my head at him. I slipped on my shoes and we walked down stairs to get some food. I sat at the counter and waited.
"We have a glorious variety of cereal here at the Brendon hotel." He exclaimed.
"Can I have fruit loops with a side of coffee please." I asked, batting my eyelashes. He got the cereal for me and out it in a bowl with milk and a spoon. He walked to the coffee machine and clicked a few buttons. He trudged to the table where I was. Coffee and cereal in hand. He set the cereal in front of me and quickly kissed me. He started walking around to the other side of the table. But before he went to far I caught his sleeve and pulled him towards me and actually kissed him. He smiled and walked to the other side of the table. We sat and ate while we went on our phones and stuff. I got up and grabbed my bag. Brendon followed. I was halfway out the door when Brendon scooped me up and threw me on to his back. He was now giving me a piggy back ride. His house was a few blocks from school so we just walked. He carried me on his back the whole time.
I saw the school and started rolling my eyes. I didn't wanna go there. To my surprise Brendon kept walking passed the school.
"What are you doing? School is the other way." I told him.
"I know. We aren't going to school today. We are gonna have fun." He insisted.
"Hannah, Morgan, Rachel, Calum, and Luke are meeting us at the mall." I smiled and went along with it.
We walked into the mall. I saw my friends at the food court. I jumped off Brendon's back and he turned and looked at me.
"I don't know if I should be hanging out with my kidnapper." I winked.
"Maybe you should. Maybe you will get a bad case off Stockholm syndrome for me." He grinned.
He pulled me into the food court to met with my friends. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Hannah with flowers in her hand and a big smile on her face..... I knew what just happened and I couldn't be happier. I walked over to Hannah and as I pasted Luke, I winked at him. Luke smiled back at me and mouthed the words thank you.

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