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Michael quickly walked towards me. He put his hand on my face and pulled me into his kiss.
"To the moon." He winked at me and hugged me. I was getting his shirt wet from my tears. I didn't know what to do, so I walked to my room, Michael followed. We laid to bed and went to sleep, well I didn't. I sat, starring at the ceiling. The thought of Michael leaving burned through my head. Tears streamed down my face again. I looked over at Michael. He was sound asleep. I carefully walked out of my room and shut the door. I grabbed my phone, a big blanket, and a bag. I filled the bag with some snacks and I walked out of the apartment. It was probably 10-11pm, I didn't care enough to look. I got in my car and drove a mile or two away, to this open field. It was normally for kids sports practice, but they weren't here, obviously. I walked to the middle of the field, things in hand. I unfolded the big blanket and laid it on the ground. I put the bag down on the blanket too. I stumbled to the ground and rolled onto the blanket. I looked up into the sky at watched as nothing happened. I watched the stars glow and heard the slight noise of cars passing by. That's all I did. That's all I wanted to do. I wanted to be alone, in hopes that I was off on a different planet, where the love of my life didn't go on tour and leave me. The stars scattered the sky, beautifully. I closed my eyes.
All of the sudden a hand touched my shoulder. I literally flew up, on to my feet. It was Michael.
"What am I doing? More like what are you doing. I rolled over to talk to you and GUESS WHAT, YOU WERENT THERE." He hollered back. I started to walk away. Michael quickly caught up to me and tossed me over his shoulder. I giggled.
"You not allowed to do this. I'm trying to be mad at you." I complained.
He put me down and I gave him a hug. Then pushed him onto the blanket. He pulled me down with him too. I screamed. He pulled me into his side. I put my head on his chest. We laid there, looking at the stars.
"I love you." Michael smiled.
"To the moon." I smirked.

The next day

We fell asleep out on the field. Good thing we lived in California, and it's never cold here. We walked to my car and headed home.
"Lets do something crazy." Mikey said.
"Like......." I replied.
"I want to get a tattoo." He yelled.
I rolled my eyes in disbelief. Mikey grabbed my hand and rushed me out to my car. He sat me in the passenger seat and ran to the drivers side. We may have speeded to get to the tattoo place. We are crazy. That's good though, can't let life be dull.
We ran inside like we were kids going into a massive candy store.
"Hey guys. You looking to get a tattoo." The man at the desk questioned.
"Yes." We blurted back at the man. He lead us to a table and gave us a person that would tattoo us. I had no idea what to get. Michael said he knew exactly what he wanted, so he sat down and started drawing it for his tattoo artist.
I looked all around the place for ideas, and nothing. Nothing came to mind. I tried to think of a memory that made me really happy. Then something popped into my mind. I quickly told the nice lady and she began drawing. I looked over and Michael was already being tattooed.

I lifted up my shirt on my left side. I wanted to get a dream catcher that covered my left side. I laid down on my right side and gritted my teeth as she started tattooing. It hurt but the pain was bare able. I took a few hours to complete.
"So you want what colors?" The lady asked.
"Any kind of blues, greens, and purples." I smiled at her. She began adding the color on things like the feathers that hung down from the dream catcher part and other details.
Michael finished way before me. I told him he wasn't allowed to see. He didn't tell me what he was doing though. That kind of wasn't a big thing on my mind, because the pain of the tattoo was blocking all other thoughts.
The girl eventually finished and stood me up in front of a mirror.
"Woah. This is just what I wanted." I was in awe. I paid her and walked out of the place. My car was still there, so Michael must have walked. I pulled out my phone and texted him.
Me--what are you breaking?
Mikey--why do you think that every time im without you i cause trouble😜
Me--because every time, you do.😂
Mikey--just meets me in the field in 1 hour.
I drove home and rushed inside. I walked in and my mother was standing right in front of the door.
"Hi, mom" I said shyly. She pulled me to couch and forced me to talk to her for a half an hour. I showed her my tattoo. She really liked it and loved the colors. I was shocked, my mom is a crazy person who is against everything.
I may have told her to leave because I had to meet Michael, but I told her I would call her.
I ran to my closet and put a shirt on and some skinny jeans. I was running a little late. I still had to fix my hair. Screw it. I threw it up in a pony tail and walked out. I raced to the field. It was the perfect time out right now. The sun was going down, creating a swirl of colors in the sky. I pulled up to the field and saw 4 boys and 3 girls standing under a little tent thing covered in fairy lights and paper pom poms. I ran towards my friends and we gave each other hugs. Michael even order a pizza, of course he did. We sat down all night talking and laughing. We showed off our tattoos. I saw Michael's and started to blush. On his upper arm, he got to the moon written in fancy letters. He liked a lot too. We sat and ate some more. Morgan also rubbed in our faces that she was getting married. I was so happy for her. She loves Calum and he loves her. The 4 boys stood up and started talking.
"As you know, we are going on tour. We are already taking Morgan, for obvious reasons. But we would love if you huys would come with us too. We will get two buses. One for Hannah, Haley, Michael, and Luke. And the other for Ashton, Rachel, Gabe, Morgan, and Calum. " the boys said.
We all got up and cheered. I am so excited to be trapped in a bus with Michael.

The Road That Leads To NowhereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora