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I walked down to my locker to get ready to go try out for volleyball. Hannah, Morgan, and Rachel convinced me to at least try out for the school team. I thought... What's the harm. I reached my locker and put on my code and swung the door open. A bunch of volleyball try outs spilled out of my locker. I guess the girls wanted to make sure I would go. I grabbed my gym bag and slammed my locker door shut. I walked with my headphones on to the gym. I was rocking out to a little One Direction to get me pumped for the try outs. I saw Hannah and the girls off to the side. I ran over and started talking to them. I turned around and saw Jacob and Brendon in the stands preparing themselves to watch us fail at the tryouts. Morgan grabbed my arm and dragged me down to the locker rooms to change. I through on some really short volleyball shorts that I hated, and an old band t-shirt. I laced up my gym shoes, grabbed my ball, and ran out to the courts.

The coach came in and told us to start lining up. We did as we were told. We all really wanted to make the team and go to other schools and play them. To be honest tho I'm not good at volleyball. I've never even played, but it seems fun.
"Get a ball and a partner and start bumping and setting" the coach yelled.
"HANNAH" I screamed. To make sure she knew I wanted to be her partner. I saw Rachel go to Morgan and start bumping.
I was so ready to do this. Hannah and I were killing it. We were doing really good volleys and keep hitting it straight up and forward. Every so often we would hear Jacob and Brendon cheer. Which made me laugh, so I ended up getting hit in the face with the ball which made us all laugh harder.

" Now, go back to the line and start serving" the coach demanded.
Hannah and I walked over there and she showed me how to serve and the right form. I hit it over a few times and I was proud because I had never done this before. Their was a girl who would whale the ball over really fast and hard. I could hear them smack on the ground with a loud bang. I was a bit intimidated by her. She looked like she knew what she was doing. Me on the other hand, I didn't.

The girl threw up the ball in the air and smacked it against her hand. I looked up and watched it as it came towards me.
The last thing I heard was a smash on the ground and a horrendous sharp pain in my head.

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