Life line

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Brendon's Point of View

I ran through the hospital toward my best friend. I turned the corner and saw her standing, looking out the window. I walked in and started to cry my eyes out. She heard me and turned around to look at me. We locked eyes and tears began to stream down her face. I ran over to her and grabbed her and held her. She hugged me back just as tight. I was so overwhelmed with the fact that she was okay and good. We stood there hugging for a bit.
"We can leave today." Haley said. At least I think that's what she said because she had her head against me on my shirt. I started to cry even more. I was in a bad place when she was in the hospital. I let go of her and she looked up at me and smiled. Still in tears.

I grabbed her and flung her around on my back, giving her a piggy back ride. She screeched as I picked her up. I laughed and shook my head. It was crazy to think this all happened because some girl whaled her with a volleyball.
We walked out to the siting area, to see Morgan on Calum's lap. I set Haley down and she ran over to Morgan and gave her a big hug. They both started to,cry of happiness. Calum walked towards me and I raised my eyebrow at him while looking at Morgan. He got it.
"Yeah, she has stayed at the hospital with me and hasn't left. She's really nice, sweet, and cute." Calum blushed
I nudged him and made fun of him.
"So have you asked Haley out yet, or have you told her u like her." Calum added.
"No. I can't, she just got up and idk. Don't wanna lose her." I frowned.

We both ran over to our girls. I mean friends and I grabbed Haley again, giving her a piggy back ride. Calum did the same. As we walked down the hospital hall, all we could here was laughter. It git even louder when we got outside, because Calum and I started to loudly laugh.
We reached my car and we sat in the car. I started up the car and turned the radio on. Calum was quick to turn it off. He started to hum the words to a song. I immediately knew what song it was and looked over at him. I gave him ma little smile. I plugged my phone into the radio. I played a recording of the song Calum and I wrote. It was just the cords, so me and Calum sang the song in the car.
"Hey!!!! I know this song. Is it knew? Who wrote it?" Haley joined in.
I looked over and locked eyes with Calum. I could tell what he was thinking. Should we say we wrote it for her. But I was still lost on how she heard it. I only showed Calum, so I looked back at him.
"Brendon wrote it a little while after you were hit. He wrote it for you. Since he was really depressed and stuff he couldn't get himself to go to the hospital. So I decided to take my acoustic guitar in and play it to you as you laid lifeless." Calum admitted. I looked over at him and mouthed the words Thank you.

We reached my house. Calum and I opened the doors for the girls and we walked inside to get food. I opened the door to my house and was hit with the smell of turkey and a bunch of comfort food. I looked around and saw that my parents had took out a big table and set it for a feast. Clearly Calum told them Haley was ok. Haley looked around in aww of what they had done. She lied her eyes on her mom and ran to her. The both started crying and smiling. I walked over to Haley's mom to say hi.
"Lets eat!!!!!" My dad said. I was starving. I haven't eaten in a good while. I motioned for Haley to sit by me. Morgan and Calum sat next to each other as well. They were probably holding hands under the table. I looked at Haley. She is beautiful. I still remember running her over the first day of school. I grabbed my plate and started piling it high with food. Haley did the same.
"Is that enough." I laughed.
"Shut up. I've been "sleeping" for a while and this girl needs to eat." She jokingly glared at me with her crystal eyes.

When we were done eatting, Calum and Morgan had to leave. They probably went to the mall.
I dragged Haley to my room and I sat her on my bed. I turned the wii on and forced her to play Mario kart with me. I went to get the remotes. I only found one until I looked at Haley and saw the remote behind her. She didn't notice it. Walked to her and my face was inches from hers. I reached around her, but I was till face to face with her. I grabbed the remote and put my other hand one her side. I kissed her. She smiled and kissed me back. I flopped next to her, picking my character to race.......

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