Her hand collides with my face with heavy force. Fuck, she's stronger than she looks.

My hand flies to my face, gripping the growing red hand mark on my cheek from the momentum of her hand.

I groan, "I'm sorry, Kelly. I'm sorry. But this isn't something I can control. Do you think we can try to be friends?"

She closes her eyes, taking a steadying breathe. Probably to keep herself from slapping me again, "did you... You didn't cheat on me with a guy, did you Harry? Please tell me you didn't."

Fucking shit. She's about to kick me in the balls when I answer her, I just know it. My mind screams at me to run when I mutter, "I can't tell you that... I'm sorry. It was uh it was Brett."

Sure enough, her foot collides with my groins before I can flee. I grip my private, letting out a pained roar, "Fuck fuck fuck..."

"Goodbye Harry Styles." Kelly shrieks at me, tears flowing down her rosy Crimson cheeks. She slams the door in my face.

I lay in her driveway, moaning in pain at the throbbing ache of my balls.

I growl to myself, "That went well."


I stand in front of Brett's front door. This encounter almost scares me more than mine with Kelly.

Well, almost. Actually, not remotely as much. But it's still scary.

I brace myself before tapping my knuckle on his door. To my dismay, a girl ,who I assume is his little sister, answers the door.

She shoots me a bright smile, "Hey, what's up?"

I'm grateful for her kind eyes compared to the brutality of Kelly's when I told her I was gay, "Hello. I'm Harry Styles, it's great to meet you." I reach out my hand to shake hers in a friendly greeting.

She shakes my hand, giggling slightly, "Hello Harry Styles. I'm guessing you're here for Brett?"

I nod, "You are correct."

"He's actually upstairs with his friend Madison right now, and she's a mess. But I can ask him?"

"Could you, please? Tell him it's important." I plead politely, flashing her my most charming smile.

She nods and rushes up the stairs. Her yells echo through the house, "Brett! A guys here for you."

My heart flutters in my chest. Fuck, what am I even going to say to him? What if he doesn't want to see me? After all, I did kiss him and then tell him I wasn't going to dump Kelly....

I swallow hard. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do if he rejects me. I've never actually been rejected. Girls throw themselves at me. And even when I don't like them, I go on dates and flirt with them.

Even when I was sure I felt nothing for a girl, I stayed with her. Or if I loved her as a friend, I convinced myself that that's what real love was supposed to feel like.

But I was always wrong. Until Brett kissed me. That's when I felt sparks between me and another human being for the first time ever.

I can't lose that.

Brett plops down the stairs and swings open the door moments later. He raises his eyebrows, shock sparkling in his hazel eyes. He shoots me a crooked smile, "Well look what the cat dragged in. Whatcha doing here, Styles?"

"I broke up with Kelly." I mutter quietly, keeping his gaze level with mine.

I watch as his eyebrows raise again, his eyes lighting up with amusement, "Why so? You two were so good together."

I smile, rolling my eyes, "I'm gay, Brett."

He lets out a fake gasp, clutching his heart dramatically, "SHUT UP, YOU ARE NOT!"

I let out a deep chuckle, "Shut the fuck up."

He chuckles, crossing his arms, "So you finally did it, eh?"

"Yep. Pretty sure I'm into a certain guy."

"Yeah, I know the one. He's pretty hot, isn't he?" Brett says with a smirk.

I nod, unable to control the wide grin stretching across my face, "He really is."

Brett takes a step closer to me, cupping my face in his hands. My heart pounds as he whispers, "You sure about this?"

Butterflies are flapping their wings violently in my stomach when he touches me. I nod, letting my guard down. I throw my arms around him, pressing my lips to his.

He kisses me back, smiling into it.

In conclusion, this encounter definitely wasn't as amazing as mine with Kelly. Yeah okay I'm being sarcastic... As you probably can tell. Yeah okay. Glad we're clear on that.
Why are my own thoughts so awkward?

Oh well. I may be an awkward mess, but at least I'm currently making out with the guy of my dreams.

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