29 ; stinky breath

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29 ∞ stinky breath

I'm taking back the crown, I'm all dressed up and naked, Lily hummed to herself as she went through her locker, I see what's mine and take it. Her music was on full blast, probably destroying her eardrums; she didn't mind though because she'd preferred it to the alternative. When she'd arrived in school, she could have sworn she heard the fire alarm going off but everyone else was just continuing as usual. After a while, it got unbearable so she'd put her headphones in and placed her music on shuffle. The crown, so close I can taste it, I see what's mine and take it-

Lily halted her humming, jumping as she felt a hand shake her shoulder. Clutching her racing heart, she took a headphone out, turning in surprise to see Danny standing at her locker with a confused look on his face. "Sorry, I, uh didn't hear you coming," Lily replied, doing her best to calm herself.

Danny smirked, "I'm surprised you can hear anything with how loud you're music is playing."

She chuckled nervously, listening out and relieved to hear the alarm was gone. She took the other headphone off, only truly realising how loud her music had been when she could still hear and make out the lyrics clearly without her headphones on. Turning the music off, she smiled sheepishly, "I never even realised how loud it was."

Nodding, Danny readjusted his bag on his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at her, "You okay?"

"Uh yeah, of course," Lily dismissed his concerns, asking, "What was it you needed?"

He shrugged, "I was just wondering if you know what's wrong with Jackson lately."

Lily frowned, standing up straighter and raising her eyebrows, "Why? Has he been behaving strangely lately?"

"Yeah," Danny furrowed his eyebrows as though that was obvious, "I figured you of all people would have noticed."

She sighed, looking down at her feet in shame, "I've been kind of busy lately so I haven't been able to talk to him much. What's been up with him?"

"Besides being more angry and aggressive than usual? He's obsessed with this video he filmed of himself and finding out what was on it," Danny explained.

Lily frowned, "How does he not know what's on a video he filmed?"

Danny shrugged as though he didn't really know either, "He says he doesn't remember what happened that night and the video's been edited – it's missing two hours."

"Why would anyone want to edit that video? And how did they find it?" Lily wondered out loud, her mind racing. Jackson had used the camera to film his first werewolf transformation but he'd never told her that he couldn't remember what happened or what was on the footage. Well it's not like he had a chance to, Lily thought, scolding herself silently for being so immersed in everything else. Sure she had a lot on her mind but she couldn't forget about everyone else. Noticing the blank look on Danny's face, Lily shook her head, "Sorry, you probably have no idea why. I, uh, I'll try talking to him – see if maybe I can get through to him."

"Okay," Danny nodded, "Matt and I are gonna see if we can recover the footage."

Lily smiled absentmindedly, "Okay, good luck." She watched as Danny walked away, her mind registering his words just as he turned the corner. Wait, Matt. Why Matt? She knew that Jackson had borrowed his camera but she didn't get why he'd want to help with the footage recovery. By then Danny was already gone so she'd have to try and grab him to talk to him later on.

Jackson had lost the footage of that night – while she thought it was super weird of him to be filming it in the first place, she also knew that it meant a lot to him and someone had taken it away from him. That's probably why he was being so angry and aggressive lately but even factoring those facts in, it didn't explain why he couldn't remember what he did in that night. Scott never went through any of this; then again, Scott never started his transformation by bleeding out of every hole visible – and apparently, none visible. Lily shuddered at the thought.

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