18 ; late night hopsital visits are always a bad idea

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18 ∞ late night hospital visits are always a bad idea

Why was it that Lily was always getting dragged into her brother's ridiculous plans at night? After finding out it was Melissa's computer the message had come from, they'd headed straight to the hospital – because apparently waiting until it was morning and busy with people and safer was not a good enough idea for them. Danny had been disgruntled about not finishing the project but hadn't complained because he needed to go get ready for the game. Stiles' first game – which at the rate they were going, he was going to miss.

Lily had sat in the back, not issuing a complaint unlike usually because she was definitely avoiding Derek as much as possible. If Stiles hadn't called them, then they may have kissed – who was she kidding? They would have kissed. She almost kissed Derek – how could she almost kiss him? She'd known about her crush for all of a day and she was just about to kiss him; Lily had never worked so quickly on a guy before. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to be with Derek like that – if she could. She wasn't even sure if she trusted him – at least that's what she tried to tell herself but in all truth, she felt like she could – she knew it was silly and naïve, but she felt like Derek was trustworthy.

She dismissed her thoughts as Stiles picked up a call from Scott, placing him on speaker phone. "Did you get the picture?" Scott asked, the sound of a crowd in the background. He was at the lacrosse field, getting ready for the game that Stiles needed to be at. He'd finally managed to get the necklace and had sent a picture of it to them, to see if they could match it with the picture that Laura Hale had had before she'd been killed.

"Yeah, we did and it looks just like the drawing," Stiles replied.

Curious, Lily sat up, grabbing Stiles' hand and pulling the phone to her mouth, "Is there something on the back of it?"

She never got to finish asking her questions as Derek also took Stiles' hand, pulling it more forcefully towards him and speaking frantically, "She's right, there's gotta be something. An inscription, an opening or something."

"No, no," Scott denied, "The thing's flat and no, it doesn't open." He sounded frustrated as he continued, "There's nothing in it, on it, around it – nothing." Maybe it wasn't the necklace then – maybe it was what was on the necklace, the picture. Lily was about to say this when Scott exclaimed, "And where are you guys? Stiles is supposed to be here. He's first line." There was a moment of silence as Stiles took the phone back, a look of annoyance on his face. "Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start."

"I know," Stiles huffed, "Look, if you see our dad, can you tell him – tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay? All right, thanks." With that, he hung up, leaving them in the car in silence.

Lily looked at her brother, her eyebrows furrowed in concern, "Stiles, we're not gonna make it." She placed her hand on his shoulder to provide some sort of comfort. This night meant a lot to him and her dad as it was the first time Stiles was going to get to play; the way things were playing out, he didn't seem like he was going to play. Before they'd arrived, Lily had offered to go alone with Derek – after coming back in the morning was turned down – but Stiles had insisted on coming along. She felt kind of guilty because she was happy he'd decided to come; she was relieved that she wouldn't have to be with Derek alone.

What would happen if they were left alone? Would they try and kiss again? Would Derek pretend it never happened? The first seemed way more appealing to her as Derek ignoring the whole situation would be rather awkward and just plain embarrassing for her. But what did it mean if he tried to kiss her again? Did it mean that he had a crush on her too? She couldn't imagine Derek Hale having a crush; she couldn't imagine him getting nervous at the idea of seeing or being around someone – especially her. Before the pessimism could continue taking over her thoughts, she tried to focus on what they were talking about.

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