10 ; kiss of life

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10 ∞ kiss of life

Lily and Stiles' jaws both dropped at the same time. Both their shocked expressions matching one another's; they probably looked the most like twins at that moment. Was Derek serious? Stiles was not a doctor and cutting off Derek's arm would probably lead to way more problems than it would fix. Also she wasn't sure if her brother could take the mental damage that cutting off Derek's arm would bring - even witnessing it seemed like it would leave some lasting trauma.

Covering her mouth, Lily grimaced, "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Oh my god," Stiles choked as Derek handed over the saw. He appraised it, looking the most nervous Lily had ever seen him. Grimacing, he placed the saw down, asking Derek, "What if you bleed to death?"

"It'll heal if it works," Derek replied, tying a tube around his arm to slow the blood flow. He was actually being serious about this. He actually wanted Stiles to cut off his arm. Lily could only be relieved - and slightly guilty at her relief - that he wasn't asking her too as she may have actually emptied the contents of her stomach. Things were already gross enough as it is - she didn't want to add a chopped off arm to their situation.

"Ugh," Stiles groaned, "Look, I don't know if I can do this."

"Why not?" Derek asked as if Stiles was telling him that he couldn't tie his shoelaces.

"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone and especially the blood!" Stiles responded, "Why can't Lily do it? She's way better at 'operation' than me." Lily's mouth popped open in surprise at how Stiles was betraying her like this - yes she was way better at operation than him, always had been - but that wasn't cutting off a human arm. The circumstances were completely different and she glanced at Derek nervously, hoping that he wouldn't suddenly decide that she was more qualified for it.

Derek finished wrapping his arm, looking up at Stiles in annoyance, "No, I want you to do it. Do you faint at the sight of blood?"

"No, but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm!" Stiles cried.

Derek sighed, glaring at Stiles, "All right, fine. How about this? Either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off your head."

Lily's eyes were wide but her brother simply rolled his eyes, "Okay, you know what, I'm not buying your threats any-" He was cut off as Derek grabbed his top, pulling him forward to growl at him. Lily wasn't sure what to do, so she did her best to pry Derek's hand off Stiles' top.

"He'll do it, he'll do it," she told Derek, removing his hand and dropping it almost instantly. Their eyes met for a moment before Derek flinched away, vomiting black liquid all over the floor. Lily could feel the contents of her stomach churning as she looked at it, grimacing. She hoped that his vomit and the look he'd shared with her were unrelated - for obvious reasons.

"Holy God, what the hell is that?" Stiles was literally almost crying.

Lily frowned, "I don't think God had anything to do with that."

"It's my body," Derek explained, "Trying to heal itself." He was still leaning against the table, his body half hanging off it.

"Well, it's not doing a very good job of it," Stiles replied.

"Yeah, you should probably look into getting a new one," Lily added, doing her best not to look down at the vomit covering the floor. Who vomited black liquid? What had he been eating? She only wanted to know so that she could avoid it.

"Now, you gotta do it now," Derek told Stiles. Lily turned around, staring at the wall. She didn't want to witness this at all. She was very tempted to leave the room but worried that either Derek or Stiles would die, she stayed, closing her eyes tightly. Maybe Stiles would argue more or maybe Derek would just topple over and die but either way, she felt like she needed to be there.

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