11 ; wolfsbane cupcakes

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11 ∞ wolfsbane cupcakes

It had been a slow Saturday for their father so the twins found themselves sat in his patrol car, passing around drive thru food. Stiles sat next to the window, Lily squeezed into the barely there middle and their father obviously at the driver's seat. He'd never let them drive the patrol car in the past and she highly doubted he would in the future either. At first squeezing in the middle like this had been uncomfortable but she'd quickly gotten used to it.

The Sheriff was chewing his burger as he asked, "Hey, did they forget my curly fries?"

Lily rolled her eyes, eating one of her own curly fries while saying, "You're not supposed to eat fries."

"Especially the curly ones," Stiles added, shuffling through his food.

"Oh and don't talk with your mouth full, Dad," Lily scolded, "It's not cool."

He ignored their lecturing, putting more food in his mouth just to spite Lily and announcing, "Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

Lily and Stiles looked at each other, Stiles saying to their father, "If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate," Lily joined in, speaking at the same time as Stiles, "You. Are. Wrong."

The Sheriff gave them a weirded out look - probably wondering how on earth he'd managed to have children with a hive mind. Lily just handed him one fry, too soft to resist but refused to give him anymore. Stiles was completely different to her, stuffing all his fries into his mouth at once, not even considering sharing. He was the one in the right if anything as their dad wasn't supposed to eat anything unhealthy - doctor's orders. Usually they were both really strict with it but Lily always gave in and allowed him a fry or two.

Before anyone could say anything, the police radio went off, "Unit one, do you copy?"

Stiles automatically reached for the radio, stopping when their father cleared his throat. He apologised, sinking back into his seat sheepishly while Lily giggled slightly - it was always fun watching your sibling get scolded. Their dad frowned, sending a look of warning to them both before picking the radio up and saying rather seriously in his Sheriff voice, "Unit one, copy."

Lily sipped her drink, choking on it as the person on the radio said, "Got a report of a possible 187."

Stiles was also choking, mouthing through his fries, "A murder?"

The Sheriff didn't reply, starting the engine of the car again. After growing up with him, Lily and Stiles knew pretty much all the police code and it did happen to come in handy sometimes. It seemed like this would be one of those times as they were both anxious and ready to find out the full story.

"Stay here," their father ordered, leaving the car to head onto the frantic scene. There was an ambulance and lights flashing everywhere. The police tape was already up and a crowd of people was already forming - and that wasn't even including the many police officers around the area.

Lily looked out of the window, gasping as her eyes caught onto a familiar figure, "Is that Jackson and Lydia?"

"Oh my god, it is," Stiles exclaimed. Lily was out of the car quickly, ignoring her father's rules completely. Stiles left the car too, lingering at the door, unlike Lily who was approaching Jackson and her father. They were in a heated conversation - heated mostly on Jackson's side and Lily felt like she really needed to jump into it before he said something to her father that would not only annoy her father but piss her off as well.

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