24 ; bad vibes

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24 ∞ bad vibes

Sitting outside the principal's office, Lily tried to appear busy with a magazine as she did her best to listen into what Jackson and her father were saying. After the practise, they'd locked Isaac in the back of the police car with an officer to guard him while her father interviewed Jackson. Since he lived across the street from Isaac, he was a prime witness to the whole case. As the bell had rang, she'd seen him being pulled away by the Sheriff and decided, why go to chemistry when she could sit outside the office and try to listen in?

"I was wondering where you went. What are you doing here?" she heard someone exclaim, pretending that she hadn't just had her ear against the window and was listening in. To her relief, the voice belonged to Stiles who sat down next to her, quickly followed by Scott.

"I'm here to listen in," she replied as though it was obvious, "What about you? I thought you guys missed the opportunity and went to chemistry."

"We did," Scott explained, "But we got Mr Harris to send us to the principal to get out of it."

Lily snorted, "How'd you manage that one?"

"We may or may not have thrown something at his head," Stiles shrugged like it was no big deal but Lily could tell that he was really proud of himself. Mr Harris always gave them a hard time so she knew that this was almost a form of payback for her brother.

"I can't believe I missed that," she laughed, imagining the look on Mr Harris' face. She wanted to hear more details on it but couldn't as they shushed her, also placing their ears against the window to listen in. From what she could hear, it seemed that Jackson had known all along about Isaac's father and what he did to him. She didn't seem to be the only one who was appalled to find out that he'd known and done nothing as her father muttered a few comments about how he didn't understand how she could be friends with him. You and me both, she thought to herself , not sure how she was supposed to feel about this.

Once done, they left the office, surprising Stiles and causing him to grab the magazine in Lily's hands and cover his face with it as though that would completely conceal his identity. Lily rolled her eyes, smiling innocently at her dad, "Hi, Dad."

He sent her a reprimanding look, probably not pleased she was there but continued along anyway, "Hey, Lil. Scott." He made a point of not acknowledging Stiles - probably trying to make it seem like he couldn't see him when really, everyone knew that Stiles had been caught.

With the police gone, the principal came out of the office, inviting Scott and Stiles in. Lily froze as her eyes came up, coming into contact with Gerard - Allison's menacing grandpa. I never thought I'd use menacing and grandpa in the same sentence, Lily grimaced as she watched them go in and Jackson leave. Clearly, Gerard wasn't like most men his age, especially considering he was running around the woods at night cutting people in half. She knew not to underestimate him just because of his age; that's probably what he wanted most people to do.

"Jackson," Lily stood, eyes meeting his. She hoped to find some kind of guilt but there was none.

"Why aren't you in chemistry?" Jackson frowned.

"You knew about Isaac's dad and did nothing?" she breathed.

"It was none of my business."

"You know, I'm always standing up for you," Lily crossed her arms, "I'm always defending you. Just because you do bad things, it doesn't make you a bad person - that's what I tell other people - what I tell myself but this... this makes you a bad person, Jackson."

Not feeling up to hearing any excuses from him, Lily grabbed her bag from the seat, rushing away from the office. It was terrible to think that Isaac had suffered all that time when Jackson could have easily put a stop to it. Why didn't Lily ever notice him before? Maybe if she had talked to him sooner, none of this would have happened and he wouldn't have got the bite. Shaking the thoughts from her head, her eyes caught on her dad's figure outside, watching as he got into the police car.

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