28 ; bestiary? bestiality? same thing really...

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28 ∞ bestiary? bestiality? same thing really...

"So, how did the meeting go?" Lily inquired as Lydia shut her locker door. She was still largely coddling Lydia – even though now there was a weird snake werewolf thing running around town murdering people. The hunters were looking for it and they likely knew what it was because of a bestiary they had. Lily wondered if maybe by some chance, what she was could be inside this thing because she couldn't deal with the things she saw and everything at the moment. There hadn't been an intense one since Isaac's house but she'd been hearing things and getting glimpses of things that other people didn't seem to be able to notice. Instead of dealing with her issues though, she decided to help Lydia deal with hers.

Lydia smirked at the girl, "I feel like a completely new person."

"That bad?" Lily grimaced. The only time she'd had to have counselling was when her mom had died and it hadn't helped at all. She was the kind of person who liked to run away from her feelings and problems, so having to sit there and talk about just that was the worst for her. It took her forever to convince her dad that going wasn't helping her and he'd eventually agreed, after receiving the biggest tantrum from her. To this day, she still felt guilty about making such a fuss when he'd just been trying to help her cope.

"I just don't want to talk about any of this," Lydia exclaimed, "Talking about it just... it just makes me feel..."

"Crazy," Lily offered, understanding completely how Lydia was feeling. Scott had been trying to get her to talk about it but she hadn't wanted to – he didn't get it and he kept looking at her as if he was worried for her sanity.

"Yeah," she nodded, "Do you think I'm crazy?"

Lily frowned, pursing her lips, "You're asking the wrong girl – I'm still not quite sure whether or not I'm crazy."

"Why?" Lydia's eyes narrowed, "You know, you've been oddly concerned about me lately."

Sensing Lydia's suspicion, Lily shrugged, "Well, we're kind of... friends now... I guess?" Knowing that her answer wasn't enough, Lily mumbled, "And I may be trying to keep my mind off some things." Like her recent break up and how much she kept thinking about what happened.

"I knew it," Lydia smirked, "So, what are you trying to keep your mind off?"

"Those are great shoes," Lily replied suddenly, "Where did you get them?" Lydia sent her a blank look in response and she found herself sighing, "You don't tell me about why you think you're crazy and I don't tell you about why I think I'm crazy. I think that's a fair trade."

"It's easy enough for you to say that but your mental breakdown isn't as public as mine," Lydia scowled, more annoyed at herself, "For some reason, I keep freaking out in front of lots of people but you only seem slightly neurotic. Why is that?"

Lily laughed, "I was already really weird so no one notices if I'm a little bit more weird and I'm very good at shielding my emotions behind humour." Glancing over Lydia's shoulder, her eyes caught onto Stiles and Scott, whispering to each other. Not wanting to miss out on anything, she smiled at Lydia, "I gotta go. Let me know if anything happens, okay?" Lydia only grimaced in response at Lily before she speeded off, arriving in time to catch the end of Stiles' sentence to Scott. He was complaining about how Allison and Scott were passing their love messages through him. As bitter as Lily was about her love life, she was glad that Scott's love life was at least doing relatively well.

"Okay, now Lily's here," Stiles gestured to his sister as she sat down on the stair below the one they were on. "Let's talk about your boss."

"He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of record of all the things they've hunted," Scott explained, his words hushed as he spoke to them, "Like a book."

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