15 ; what even...

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15 ∞ what even...

"This is the millionth time you've looked over at me," Lily exclaimed, pausing the movie that was playing on the screen. She sent Jackson a glare, frowning, "Whatever it is you have to say, say it now." It had been a slow Sunday and Lily was recovering from a slight hangover so Jackson – after laughing at her pain – had suggested they watch a movie and chill. She was happy for the company as her brother had been considerably drunker than her so he wouldn't even get up and Scott was still dealing with his break up with Allison so he was also lying in bed sulking.

She was relieved that he'd stopped avoiding her and had agreed to get the claw marks checked out as that had been something that was playing on her mind. Now she was just trying to relax but she couldn't when she could tell that he had something he wanted to say. Everything had been so stressful since that night, her father had been busy working, Derek still hadn't shown up and the alpha had yet to be seen again.

Jackson opened his mouth, then closed it as if reconsidering before completely blurting, "We need to talk about Wednesday night."

Lily shut her eyes tightly, releasing a large breath, "What's there to talk about?"

"What happened that night," he said.

"I was there, you don't need to remind me," she frowned.

He scowled at her, crossing his arms, "Why don't you wanna talk about this? You always wanna talk about things."

"And you never do," Lily countered, "So let's just do it your way for once." In truth, she just didn't want to have to lie to him which she would inevitably have to do if they decided to talk about the events of that night. Ever since then, she'd been avoiding all questions – claiming that she didn't see anything apart from the janitors body and that she had no idea if it was truly Derek. Of course this bothered Scott and Stiles but she just didn't want to have to lie. Sending him a sarcastic smile, she pressed play, trying to carry on watching the movie. Unfortunately, Jackson wasn't willing to let her do that, grabbing the remote from her and pausing it.

"Jackson," Lily whined, "I love this movie, can't we at least finish it and then talk?"

"No, we need to talk now," Jackson said, "Aquamarine can wait."

Lily gasped dramatically, "Excuse me? Aquamarine waits for no one."

"We've watched this move so many times that I think I hate it," Jackson scowled, "Actually, scratch that – I know I hate it."

Lily scoffed, "You always tear up at the end when she has to leave." That wasn't exactly accurate – he never cried but he didn't hate the movie as much as he said he did. Lily had dragged him to watch it in the cinema when it came out and it had become one of her go-to movies when she needed a pick me up. There was a list of them and most of them, Jackson hated – which only made her like them more.

"Yeah, tears of happiness that it's over," Jackson smirked.

She sent him a glare, scowling, "I'm not talking to you now. How dare you." Still scowling, she reached over, trying to snatch the remote from his hands. He saw her coming though, moving his hand out of the way and sitting on the remote. It was something that happened often when they were arguing about what to watch and it always worked because Lily wasn't strong enough to push Jackson off. Frown covering her face, Lily sent him a serious look, "Jackson."

"Lily," he replied, smirk on his face.

She narrowed her eyes, "Jackson."

"Lily," he mimicked her voice.

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