Life with Tunechi

Start from the beginning

When Fallon woke up I brought her plate to her letting her eat off of her little tykes table. Wayne had sent me a text saying he loved me so I sent him a quick one back asking what he wanted. He asked me why he had to want something. I rolled my eyes, I already knew to be expecting something. After giving Fallon and Maliyah a bath I let Fallon stay up watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory until she passed out. I carried her to her room putting her under the covers. Walking back downstairs I grabbed Maliyah and placed her in her crib grabbing the monitor so I could take a shower. I took a long relaxing shower then ran a hot bubble bath turning the jets on. Getting out I changed into some purple and grey stripped boyshorts and a grey wife beater. I crawled up in bed turning on the TV on. I scanned through the channels and saw Fuse had Lil Wayne Takeover, I laughed to myself I had watched it a million times, it was old as hell but I loved it .

I awoke to the feel of the bed sinking. I frowned reaching out for the phone and jerked up. Wayne grabbed my arm. "Maci where the hell you going, she is fine, I just checked on her." I shook my head. "She hasn't been up since 11 something what time is it?" Wayne looked at his phone. "Almost 4, she is fine baby, she is finally starting to sleep through the night." I looked at him and laid back down and started shaking my foot. Wayne sighed, "go check on her you wont be happy till you do." I jumped up speed waling to her room. Sure enough she was knocked out. I put my hand on her just to feel the rise and fall of her chest.

Entering room I saw Wayne had stepped out on the balcony. I walked up on him and saw he had lit up a cigarette and was leaning over the balcony. "You not ready to come to bed." Wayne turned around pulling me into his arms. "Was waiting on you." I leaned in kissing him. "Well I'm ready to go back to bed." Wayne licked his lips. "I'm ready to take you." I felt his lips on my neck and arched my neck giving him better access. "Don't start stuff you can't finish." Wayne glanced at me. "Give me the go ahead and I'll finish alright." I rolled my eyes. "Think you can be gentle." Wayne smirked. "Probably not." I shrieked as Wayne knelt down hooking me underneath my knees picking me up. It threw my arms around his neck laying my head against his shoulder.

Wayne plopped me down on the bed. "Ugh are we really back to you manhandling me, can't you go easy on me, I'm bout to be your wife." Wayne laughed as he pulled his shirt off. "You know you like that shit." I rolled my eyes at him. "Shut up and come here." Wayne finished removing his clothes before crawling in the bed pulling me up against him. His lips ran over my collar bone as his hand skimmed under my shirt before he grabbed it pulling it over my head as I slightly lifted up. Wayne was gentle and took his time making sure I was completely comfortable as he made love to me for the first time in over a month.

I awoke the next morning to find Wayne sat up in bed holding Maliyah feeding her a bottle. "Look your momma finally got her lazy butt up out of bed." I rolled my eyes at him stretching before I stood up to go to the bathroom. As I came back Wayne had Maliyah on his shoulders burping her. I walked down the hall checking on Fallon, she was still asleep so I turned around walking back in the bedroom. "What you want for breakfast." Wayne looked up." Whatever you want baby, I got to run back to the studio." I let out a breath. "So your not eating." He shook his head as he laid Maliyah in the bed beside him. "I'm bout to take a shower then burn." I turned walking to my dresser and changing into some leggings and a tank top, throwing long sleeve shirt over the top. I was sliding into my flip flops as Wayne walked up on me. "You going to start again." I let out a laugh pushing past him. "No go do your thing." I walked up on the bed to grab Maliyah when Wayne pulled me up against his chest. "Maci, don't be like this. I fucking love you and the only reason I''m busting my ass is cause i want this shit done so I can spend as much time wit you as possible before returning back to work." I sighed closing my eyes turning around letting him pull me into his arms. "I just fucking miss you when your gone Wayne." He laid his forehead against mine. "I'll be home before dark, I promise." I nodded knowing that was a 50/50 percent chance of being true. "I love you too baby." I reached up kissing him. Wayne walked out the door pausing to wink at me before he walked out of sight.

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now