The Dance

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The music played loudly in my ears.

Everyone was either dancing, or eating their hearts out at the food table.

The dragons were squawking and roaring at each other. They were having just as much fun as everyone else.

Hiccup and Astrid were making goo-goo eyes at each other while they danced. What else is new?

I stood at the side and glared at the dancers.

I leaned against the wall in the corner and sighed.

I had my arms crossed.

To be honest, I wasnt enjoying the party like everyone else.

Oh, you didnt notice?

Nope, I didnt think so. Please note the sarcasm.

I saw Astrid stop dancing with Hiccup and motion for Heather and Ruffnut to go towards her.

They whispered with worried looks on their faces.

I frowned at them and continued to sulk.

Just as I was about to leave, someone knocked on the doors of the Great Hall loudly.

The doors flung open.....


No way.....

I'm hallucinating....

That, or I'm dreaming....

"I'm so sorry I'm late!!!" a flustered voice yelled.

It was so quiet, you could literally hear a feather drop. The only noise I could hear, was the excited squealing from the girls.

"Is that....."

"I thought she was in a coma....."


The crowd searched around for me amd eventually made way for me to see her.....


There she stood with a pure white dress on.

She looked just like from when we used to have those dreams.....

Her (H/C) hung loosely by her side.

This is a dream.....

Yup, definitely hallucinating....

I walked over to her.

My footsteps echoed in the silence.

As I walked up to her, I stared into her gorgeous (E/C) eyes.

They looked so.... emotionless..... tired......


"If this is a dream, then I'm going to take the chance to do this."


I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in.

I heard some fangirling and squealing.


Isnt this what we did during our first dream?


I pulled away and saw a red tint appear on her face.

The crowd cheered and celebrated.


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