Her Request

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"High fever.... dehydration..... lack of sleep....... what happened to her?!!!!"

Valka was inspecting her while Hiccup was getting Gothi.

I paced around the room like a mad man.

"What did I do to her....."

"Oh Toothless dear, you didnt do this..... oh my dear.... the poor thing..."

She looked so pale.... like a porcelain doll......

I walked by her side and brushed her cheek with my hand....

"I'm so sorry I did this.... you dont deserve any of this....."

"Toothless... Come now lad. I believe Gothi's here, by the sound of it."

I stayed silent as the sound of Cloudjumper's flapping filled my ears.

Hiccup burst into the room with the frail old woman at his side.


He received a whack on the head from Gothi.

She scattered some dirt on the floor and scribbled away.

"Ow!! Oh.... she says.... 'Dont scream like a mad man. Everyone can hear you loud and clear." Well I'm sorry!!! You didnt have to whack me!!!"

She rolled her eyes and hobbled by Valka's side.

She checked her forehead and shook her head.

She went back over to her little dirt pile and scribbled like there was no tomorrow.

"Hiccup, What did she say?!"

He studied her drawings and frowned.

"She said.... 'This isnt good. She might be in a coma from which she cannot wake. She's been sick for too long, and the fever has most likely damaged part of her brain. Her fever is worsening by the second. Furthermore, it looks like she hasnt eaten in a long time. Nor has she drank much......"

"WHAT?!!! SHE'S IN A COMA?!!!!!"

They took a step back from me and trembled in my presence.

"Gothi..... YOU CAN WAKE HER!!!! CANT YOU?!!!!!"

She stared at me with her wispy wide eyes. She scribbled some lines in her dirt and looked back at Hiccup sadly.

"....... She said..... Oh Thor....... no...."

"WHAT?!!! TELL ME!!! NOW!!!"

I slammed my fist on the bedside table and glared at him.

"Toothless..... I'm sorry.... but..... she said that.... there isnt much she can do...... and..... oh god......"


"The most Gothi can do is..... give her some herbs..... to keep her alive..... other than that..... all we can do is wait........"

I felt the familiar tears spring up.

My blood boiled with fury.....

"Get out. All of you. Now."

They scampered away like wolves with their tails between their legs.

I broke down completely and slumped down on the chair.

Funny.... this isnt the first time Ive done this....

"I'm so sorry..... this really is my fault........."

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