Snowfall Miracle

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I turned and saw the whole gang and their dragons behind us.



"YEAH!!!!! YOU SHOULD'VE AT LEAST TOLD US!!!" Snotlout sneered.

I felt heat rush up my face while my fiance kissed my cheek and beamed at the gang.

"Aww..... how sweet!!! Anyway, we'll let you two do your own thing now. So, dont do anything too crazy Toothless!" Eret winked.


He chuckled to himself and grinned.

And the girls were fangirling.


"C'mon guys, let's leave the new couple alone." Hiccup sneered.

They hopped onto their dragons and flew away.

"Ugh... what jerks...... they ruined our moment...." I muttered.

"Hey, calm down....."

She nuzzled up to me and kissed my forehead.

"So? What now?"she asked.

"Ehh..... we have to head back in awhile...... the dragons have to go for the mating season."

"Yeah. How d'you think Mom and Dad are going to take this?"

"Hmm...... I can only imagine."

She chuckled and curled up next to me.

"It's hard to believe you're my fiance now.........." I crooned into her ear.

She blushed bright pink at my little comment.

"How can you still make me blush?!" she yelled.

"I dont know?"

I stood up and she followed.

"So? What now, my princess?"

"Oh, come on, Toothless. S-shall w-w-we go home now?"

"What?! No way! Nope. Not after I just proposed! Come here...."

I picked her up and twirled her around in the snow.

"W-woah! Hey!!"

I tripped and fell.

Ugh.... you're such a clutz Toothless....

I felt a light weight on my chest and looked up to see her perfect face just inches away from mine.

"Hey. We did this before, so many times, remember?"

"Clear as day."

I chuckled as she smashed her lips onto mine. I stroked her perfect (H/C) hair and let her carry on.

"Hey. Lets spend some time here."

She stood up and played around in the snow.

Hmm...... I have an idea.....

I sneaked around her and grabbed a bunch of snow.

I crunched it all together into a ball.


I was walking around in the snow, just enjoying the perfect scene.


I felt something hit the back of my head.

"What the-- TOOTHLESS!!!!!! YOU JERK!!!! OH IT'S SO ON!!!"

I bent down and scraped up a handful or fluffy white snow and shaped it into a rough sphere.

I aimed it at his back and threw it straight at him.

"HEY!! Okay..... so.... THE BATTLE IS ON!!!"

And with that, we started our little snowball fight.

-Time Skip (5 hours later) -

Right now, the both of us have collapsed under our tree.

"Man...... *pant* ...... I am..... so..... tired..."he panted.

"Phew....... same........"

My (H/C) hair was covered in snow now. Ugh......

I guess I knocked out, because the world suddenly became dark.

"Long time no see, eh? My children...."

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