Reunited with Pain

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I was hurrying back to (Y/N) and Toothless when two guards rudely bumped into me.

Except that..... they werent guards.....



"Shh!! Not here!!"

I got the message and quickly led them to (Y/N) and Toothless.

They were both awake....

Thank goodness.....

(Y/N) was sobbing while Toothless held her and hushed her.

The second she saw us.....


She got up and threw herself at them.



"It's so good to see you....."

She sobbed as Toothless slowly got up and hugged and kissed her head....

"Hey....calm down......."

"W-what happened to you two?"

She sat down and explained everything while I sat by her and stroked her hair.

She was shaking the whole time.

I made Toothless sit back down.....

He needed rest.....

His cuts have completely healed, but I prefer if he rested.

She sobbed even more when she finished.

"Its all my fault..... Im sorry..... if I didnt fight with you Toothless, maybe...... just maybe..... this wouldnt have happened." Snotlout said with a hint of shame in his usual loud and booming voice.


A part of me wanted to yell at him....

But the real me knows it isnt anybody's fault......

"I-its alright Snotface, its not your fault......"

"On the plus side, you just got them together!" Heather said.

It was kinda true.

I turned bright red as Eret and Snotlout smirked at me while (Y/N) gave Heather a small beatdown.


"WOAH!!! HEY!!!"

We laughed at them fight and started to quiet down.

"Are Hiccup and the others here?" I whispered.

"Yes. They're hiding out in a cave somewhere. Okay. From now on, call Snotlout, Snotlegs--"

"Really? Snotlegs?"

"Whatever. Okay.... so, we're here because we're looking for someone named Fishbones and we hate Hiccup........ or you. Okay?"

"Got it Snotface."

"Yeah. So that's it. We'll be living right across you, so if you two want to have a makeout moment, lock the door or we'll know." Eret laughed.

I turned bright red as (Y/N) kissed me cheek and grinned.

"Heh. Like that. So? Any questions?"

"How are we going to escape."

"We're working on that....... we cant bust you out that easily. Guards'll notice......" Heather said.

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