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Apparently, it was Eret.

"E-e-eret? I-I'm....so s-sorry...."

I felt pathetic.

I was crying like a baby in front of him.

"(Y/N)? Why're you crying? What happened?!"

I sobbed as he helped me up.

He held my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"I-I....... T-Toothless..... w-was drunk.... and h-he was..... courting Astrid.... and I.... I just..... broke...... all the boys were drunk......."

I burst into tears and felt him put a comforting arm around me.

"I told them it wasnt a good idea. That's why I came outside. I knew something like this would happen." he cursed under hus breath.

"I SHOULDNT HAVE LET HIM DRINK!!! Oh my heart....."

"Hey..... shh..... if Toothless kills me for doing this so be it...... but.... you shouldnt cry, you look more beautiful when you're happy."

He smiled reassuringly.

But I still couldnt smile.

Not after what happened.

"H-hey.... you want, you can hang outside here with me..... take a breather."

I nodded and rubbed my eye.

"S-so.... w-why werent y-you.... you know......"

"Because I dont drink. I knew something like this would happen, so I usually avoid drinking."

"Well..... at least someone has common sense......"

I felt my eyes burn again.

"Where are the other girls?"

"I....... d-dont know.... I ran away as soon as..........."

I looked up and saw the breath-taking view of the Snoggletog tree.

It seemed to light up in the darkness.

"It's beautiful.... isnt it......" I mumbled.


"(Y/N)!!!! ARE YOU THERE????!!!"

I froze when I heard Ruff and Astrid screaming for me.

"E-eret.... I cant deal with this now....."

He nodded as I hid behind a tree.

I heard the doors creak open.

"(Y/N)?!!! ERET!!!! HAVE YOU SEEN HER?!!!"



"No. I havent."he replied.


They rushed back into the hall. Or I assumed they did.

"Coast is clear."

I crept out and sobbed some more.

"Eret..... I cant believe he did this to me..... I trusted him....."

"Hey, come on. By the looks of it, you dont look like you want to party anymore, huh?"

"No. Not really." I replied dully.

"Then, allow my to escort you home?"

"S-sure..... I need some company....."

I trudged in the snow which sparkled in the moonlight.

We mostly walked in silence, and I was left to my thoughts.

It tormented me to hear his sweet voice cooing at Astrid.

It isnt her fault.

I know it isnt.

I'm just confused.

"Hey, we're here. I-I should go. Or do you need me?"

"Nah.... I-I'm fine.... Thanks Eret."

I hugged him and walked into the house while tears streamed down my face.

I crawled into my bed without changing and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Please let this be a cruel nightmare.

Human Toothless X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now