"Oliver is-"

"Cedric can you please not. We need to be serious right now." I butt in, frowning.

"The boy needs to know." Grahm told me, grinning.

"Know what? Is Oliver pretty strong or something?" This brought on more laughter.

"Something like that." Grahm snorted.

"Do you think he's strong than Axel or Harvey?" Jake asked me, ignoring the other three laughing vampires. I was going to respond, but Cedric did the honors.

"Oh no, I'm sure that a couple of turned humans are stronger than the Riken of Ibitario who was born into the single strongest family of vampires in North America." I was even beginning to get frustrated with Cedric's laughter, but only rolled my eyes. Jake however stood there in shock.

"Riken? Of... Ibitario?" He looked at me with desperation, obviously hoping I would say no.

"Yeah. I was going to wait to tell you, but that idiot over there can't keep his mouth shut." I said sympathetically. Jake ran his hands over his face and sat down. It wasn't until then that his eyes returned to their normal color and his fangs retracted.

"Shit, I can't believe he didn't kill me or anyone else. Isn't he supposed to be evil?"

"He isn't evil! Everyone just thinks that. You met him yourself; he's just rude and arrogant." I corrected immediately. For a moment he was speechless, eyes blinking blankly. After a couple of moments of dead silence he took a deep breath in.

"Okay, I'm calm. I'm totally calm. I'm just a new vampire who has already met the supposedly most powerful vampire in North America and his Pure Blood/Vampire hybrid mate and lived to tell the tale. Not to mention I have no idea where I am or what I'm supposed to do now; oh, and probably all of my friends and family think I'm dead. But it's okay, I'm calm." He was rambling now and had stood back up, pacing around the living room looking frightened and as if he was about to have a mental breakdown any moment.

Not that I blamed him.

"Jake, sit down." I commanded. For once, he listened and did as I said.

"I know you're worried and nervous, but you have a place to go. You can come back to my house and stay with us; plus Jansen is there so you won't be alone. I'll help you adjust, so you're going to be fine." My words obviously comforted him and he nodded his head, rubbing his hands over his face and through his hair.

"The kid has a point though; I'm surprised Oliver didn't kill him already because he's annoying as hell." Cedric mocked, scowling at Jake.

"Could you please, for once in your lifetime, behave yourself." I shot.


"You're hopeless." I exasperated, throwing my hands up.

"I'm just stubborn. And this kid-"

"He has a name and you know it." I interrupted.

"Doesn't even know what's going on here." Cedric continued, ignoring me. "And forgive me for being frustrated when I now have to babysit. I have other things to do you know; I'm still the head of Superious in Flintre." He was overly aggravated, showing off his ever present temper. Lately I hadn't seen much of it, but it was apparent that it hadn't improved much.

"I'm sorry that me almost dying and asking you to help me and my friend is such a burden to you Cedric. You know what, I'm sorry that I even thought to trust you'd be willing to help. I'll be out of your hair soon." I snapped, feeling my eyes start to chill as my emotions shot through the roof. That seemed to do it for Cedric, because his face softened and hurt flashed across his features.

Pure Blood (Book two of the Blood Series)Where stories live. Discover now